Rocket League mit Wallhacks: Wie man benutzerdefinierte Karten mit Freunden spielt: …
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Rocket League mit Wallhacks: Wie man benutzerdefinierte Karten mit Freunden spielt: …
© Artikelquelle
9/10 intro
I gotta say, as a brazillian, still hurts when people reference that game ;-;
I feel like the shark fin topper should be mandatory for this map.
This map reminds me of that movie “sand shark”
This map is like if everyone there had The permeation quirk from “my hero academia”
This map is the entire reason for the original rocket league aireal training pack
You guy should try putting heat seeker on this map
wrong that made me laugh to hard
my brain just took a nap
this was so confusing lmao
Welcome to Broken League
Broken isn't the right word at all
i wonder what would happen with spike rush if you would go through the floor or not
What platform are you
Yeah joust put the best Clio og the game on the intro
You look like dolphins trying to get the ball by jumping out of the water :3
Leth:zurx u got it
Zurx:flys through the wall
You should've kept the April Fools intro.
Keep up the vids <3
لو عايز طريقة سهلة تعرف بيها باسورد أى شبكة واى فاى قريبة منك بدون برامج
كل اللى هتعمله هتفتح جوجل وتكتب mbc70 وتدخل اول موقع وتحط أسم الشبكه هيظهرلك الباسورد
5:22 intro shot
This just looks like aerial simulator pretty Much. Actually looks like it could be good for people like me tho who are probably worse at aerials than a dog with a disability.
If rocket legue was 4d
Definitely should have done rumble on this map
We not gonna talk about the 119 pinch
Had to make the comments 666
Get drunk while playing this match
10:56 where is the 7×1?!???
know what you should do you should make a map where it breaks when you touch that tile of the map.
me seeing them go through the floor a thousand times and still think there going to stay on the real floor
2:19 1 sec you see guh and frank the next there gone there just gone
Imagine how easy it is to pinch
Could make it so your goals are in the normal place but but the gravity it’s upside down
Why infinite boost was created
6:36 lol
YO what if 1 teamate was locked into the regular map and 1 teammate could go throught the walls! like in kinda like in the hive map how each teammate gets different roles
Why is the mirror ugly for me?
Bro imagine rumble on this map
They look like dolphins, jumping out of water🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Is that crainer
This map, but the floor looks like the ocean and your cars all have orca fins on them