Mein Support-A-Creator-Code: LETHAMYR Wenden Sie den Code im Rocket League Store an, um mich zu unterstützen! (oben rechts im Laden) Spielen …
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Mein Support-A-Creator-Code: LETHAMYR Wenden Sie den Code im Rocket League Store an, um mich zu unterstützen! (oben rechts im Laden) Spielen …
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Add a shorts were once you send it 1 million times at the speed of light or it disappears, then be a spectator then go to the ball
When you pop metal
Do hockey with that
5:46 👌👌👌👌👌🤣🤣🤣🤣
Leth: (Imma hit the ball)
Ball: OWIE! You know what… Galaxy is my home now bye!
(Ball) PEW IN 200000000000000KPH
seeing a bunch of grown men laugh at a fast ball is so hilarious
Do this with drop shot
guhberry = berry:X guhberry = Nut:YES
respect for actually putting woman clothing out aswell never seen a you tuber do this
leth laugh is hilarious
Hey leth! Do a ground pinch
Leth, please make a mode where the ball is deadly and if you touch it you go back into the safe zone (the goal) where the ball can’t get in but you can. I got this idea from 17:22 watching the ball go around and around gave me this idea. The point system is that if you get to the other side of the field that’s one point but if you get back while not getting hit either time that’s two points. I call it rocket league dodge ball
This but with tiny goals 😂
Hey leth, this is a nice video and it was also very funny as well.
You guys are setting world records lol
Please do heatseeker and the brand new infinball
This would be crazy with ball curve
Make a mod where ever time u hit the ball it becomes slowler but ur car get fastera
"every time you hit the ball, you swap speed with it"
your sound just like DREAM(minecraf youtuber)
Ich mag deine
Should have done this on the double sized field!
Do the opposite and make it slower every time
I like the fastball 100%
He got the world fastest goal
You have to try this on a custom make. maybe the clocktower
You guys are not breaking ankles the BALL IS (edit) the ball: I’m SPEEEEEEED
Imagine pintching
Leth… would you mind putting me in touch with your modder? I have a degree in CS so I know how to program but Im not sure where to get started. Any help would be appreciated thanks in advance to anyone who responds
good luck with the dribbleing
Would love to see Pro Freestylers getting shots with that thing, it would be insane
Guh is the definition of "when the laugh is funnier than the joke"
3:34 "What a save!" "What a save!" "What a save!" "What a save!"
Love the intro
how'd you do that
next we need to make a TAS between some CPU teams playing at that speed
Wait what if it’s reversed you make it if you touch the ball your car moves faster
This is rocket LEAGUE
Every hit the ball gets more bouncy AND more speedy.
Nice vidio like always
Make one that the more soft you touch the ball the more faster it goes and the harder you hit it the slower it goes
The ball sped up a bit
why are they reporting different goal speeds?
Don't know why this took a year to land on my home page, but this was fucking great. Love the content Leth!
Do only haymaker with 100,000 units on the ball and a 1 second cooldown 😂