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So spielen Sie benutzerdefinierte Karten mit Freunden: Schauen Sie sich mein neues LIVE an und abonnieren Sie es …
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It would be really interesting to watch you play against scrubkilla
Lover your new editor hahahaha
I really want Mendoza pros
Fulltime 1v1 lmao is scrub killa
Hey I thought this was a really well done video. You always surprise me w your effort leth
You play so calm lol and scrub playing he seems so stressed 🤣🤣
Bruh! He is cruching everyone in that level!?!
Wild how different Leth and Scrubs play styles are.
How do you get good kickoff with just front flipping?! I just get destroyed
I watch these videos of leth and think I’m bouta go look like him In game and then I realize I’m still gold 1 in doubles 🙁
lol the outro, that's hot
Leth you never let me forget that you’re a Canadian lmao Leth: I’ve figured him oooooouuuut 😂❤️
Leth, the thinker in a thinker's game.
The fact you can narrate while playing and it doesn't throw you off is super impressive
Full time 1v1 lmao is scrubkilla btw
your mechanics are so outdated
I thought night owl was OSM with all those open net misses
full time 1v1 lmao is scrub lmao!
Lets take note that obviously full time 1v1 lmao is scrub killa. But if you watch scrubs videos he is almost crying when he loses a challenge let alone a game. Leth is straight chillin’ and commentating while smoothly passing up scrub 😂.
Nightowl: misses
Leth: I don't know what to expect from this guy
Damn i didn't know every time I miss I'm playing such high level mind games
I miss the old intro. ;(
Nice bumping Scrub out of top 30.
Full time 1v1 lmao is Scrubkilla
“That’s probably the worst play I’ve ever made”- Leth bruh not fair
You know why leth is so good at ones? You wont get this guy tilted and a positive mindset is really important in everything you do
Leth did you see scrub killa is doing a road to rank 1 in 1s he said you got something to worry about haha!
Message from scrub: you got competition leth.
Don't hate me. I'm just the messenger
Leth: and now i have a kickoff goal
also leth : misses an open net
I really like these videos, and learn a lot from them and the one I click on from you here on YT, so perhaps think twice if you wanna outsource them to only "live" to twitch.
most of your other videos, not my cup of tea, particularly those where the viewers are a third wheel and you sitting and wasting time with some online dudes and playing, nahh, but these rank videos where you also put words on your thoughts, is great and highly informative..
Scrub Killa and Leth going for rank one 🔥🔥
Dunno how you play this slow delayed game leth, psyonix done a very bad job wow it’s crap
what is leths car deisgn i really wanna know 0_0 HIS CAR AND INTRO IS SO COOL
but to be honest he was the first yoututbe channel i have seen that cool in my life LOVE YOU LETH!!!!!!! STAY SAFE <3
Started because of you!
Scrub Killa is also doing a road to rank 1. Who will get there first 🤔
Bad plays at that level work because they are expecting better lol