Mein Support-A-Creator-Code: LETHAMYR Wenden Sie den Code im Rocket League Store an, um mich zu unterstützen! (oben rechts im Laden) Spielen …
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Mein Support-A-Creator-Code: LETHAMYR Wenden Sie den Code im Rocket League Store an, um mich zu unterstützen! (oben rechts im Laden) Spielen …
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Fun facts I actually didn't like this kid Daniel at 1st.
Then he was in AlphaKep stream on the mic and he's kinda funny and won me over. Do your thing boy 👍
This video isn’t even about the prodigy change the title
He's good, but not as good as our boi Leth.
Never know I was gonna be famous for RL
Hahahahaha Otynfartonme that’s an hilarious name I’ve never laughed so hard when I saw n heard that name.. Keep up the great work Leth, you do amazing work..
Yo Otyn is actually pretty good from what I can see..
How bout Otyn vs First
Drali is way better than Daniel and I think he will have a better career depends on team they 1v1ed and drali destroyed him
Do a series of all the up and comers!
Well done content!
Now Dreaz is a regional champ with Chicago and Jknaps
2:02 “make it awkward” my go to move
Really thought that thumbnail said racists are not ready
Prediction: he will join SSG
Nice shot
whats sad is those games at the start look like my normal ranked games and im a gold lll
A few years ago I seen his stream. I realised he was 11 years old and told him "don't forget to eat your vitamin gummies every day" he banned me and we never spoke to each other again
I'm a 10 year old ssl
Watching these full games without cuts just makes me realise how far away from SSL I am.
Hey all, 3rd video in on my series of catching up on 3 weeks of content
I’m a prodigy lmao, I’m 14 and I started in season 2. I’m already high gc1. If I started earlier like season 12 I would be ssl
These games are extermely entartaining to watch.