23 Gedanken zu „[Revived Witch] 10 Tips And Mistakes To Avoid Part 2 (Shop Resets, Progression Priority, PvP)“
  1. I wish I knew the PvP tip on the first day.. I wasted my first day taking my time with the story (very good btw) and only in day 2 I could PvP. When I saw that fat exp leveling me up I insta regretted that I didn't push hard enough before lol. My struggle right now is getting the feathers for A4 my units. All 3 of my team need them, so I have to farm 90 of them… Paaain

  2. Tip: Sorcerer and Scholar effects should go on your backup dolls instead of your main dolls when you have good accessories.
    These set effect just require the doll to be part of your squad to activate, and using better accessories on your main dolls will let you speed through the auto process more quickly.
    This doesn't apply to newer players but it still helps a lot when you are trying to optimize your grinding

  3. My tip would be to enjoy the game the way you like. Rushing everything can be stressful, and unless you make YT videos, it's not your job. If you enjoy playing through the game in a chill manner, there's nothing wrong with that. There is limited content to tackle, so if you rush you will be left with nothing to do apart from grinding.

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