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Hunter please!!
сreate enhance guide please
I don't know if i agree with the berserker! trinket over greatness trinket. Sure for a defensive purpose since it gives you more art of war procs with crit plus tons of resi but 90 passive str and 300 proc str must be better offensively. Crit is still rng dmg but str is pure dmg plus healing done. Greatness trinket has a pretty good chance to proc aswell, 35% and 15s uptime with 45 ICD so its just around 30seconds most likely that its going to be on cd
Nice one!
Feral ?
Love the vids! Rdru next pls!!
Will there be a Prot warrior / Prot Pally guide, since in one of your videos it does say they will be a thing.
We'll be releasing starter course guides EVERY DAY for EVERY CLASS over the next 2 weeks. Our WotLK site is also live! Sign up today to access our premium damage & playstyle courses:
<3 I love you guys
Shadow priest next please 🙂
Why did they change the name of the human racial?
So let me clarify, you will need the eng profession for the 1h spec ????
Will there be boomking guide?
Isn't that one handed mace(titansteel guardian) too slow for preg or the one handed build? If I'm a right should be 1.6 or 1.8 speed.
There is NO way that pursuit of justice is not worth the talent points. You have to be trolling. That movement speed is INSANE in arenas no matter what you are trying to do.
is the 1 handed build just preg? and isnt titansteel guardian a bit too slow?
soo kinda vonsufhed here this is pvp builds tough this was pve builds maybe next time put in title pvp pls
Aren’t you suppose to use the 21agi + 3% crit dmg meta gem? Then you can activate it with you enchanters tear and use the rest of your gem slots to prioritise red Str or crit gems?
Could we get feral guide ? Please
the engi boots enchant is better than the 15 stam + Minor speed no ? Any more details about that please ?
why the ap on the 2hand tho?