Von Esfand

47 Gedanken zu „RET PALADIN TOP GRUUL DPS?? | Esfand Burning Crusade Best Moments“
  1. The other thing with parsing (and this is coming from someone who loves to parse) is depending on when the fight ends, determines your parse. So if you have a big 2min CD, and the fight ends at 1min 45 sec, you're dps and damage will be a lot lower than if the fight went on another 30 sec. Also, if your raid comp is built around boosting the parser's damage, like if you are put in the windfury group or not. Still, great job on that parse! Lionheart is great but that mace is still beefy af.

  2. is seal twisting that big boost to ret dps ? would it be considered top tier dps finally or still be underwhelming?? oh and is there any difference between seal of martyr and seal of blood? or just faction difference??

  3. how to pull top dps:
    1. become a streamer that has an army of spergs that follow you and would follow you into the depths of hell
    2. get fed tons of loot
    3. do the exact same thing that everyone else does but with better gear than the entire raid
    4. profit

  4. Being myself a die hard Ret (since 2007 and onwards) I want to say big thanks to Esfand for making this video and inspiring me and other Ret fans! I've been practicing seal twisting ever since and even with my modest mix of Normal / HC / some Kara and rep gear I managed to pull 3rd spot in DPS on Gruul kill yesterday and got my T4 legs in the end.

    There is so few active Rets playing on our small EU realm, perhaps 3-4 in total. And now you showed us we CAN make the difference despite all the ill treatment we're continuing to get. Thank you so much

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