0:00 – Intro 0:58 – Optimale anhaltende Heilung 6:26 – Burst Healing 8:44 – Vorbereitung auf Schäden im Opener 11:01 …
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0:00 – Intro 0:58 – Optimale anhaltende Heilung 6:26 – Burst Healing 8:44 – Vorbereitung auf Schäden im Opener 11:01 …
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You can put two lifeblooms on targets if you get the legendary.
Swiftmend only increases regrowth by 75% not 200% like rejuvenation
What addon are they using to show more hots on the frames?
Am fucking hype to play my druid again.
How do you get your hots to show the full duration? Vuhdo only shows it sub 10 second? Isn't that the wow raid frames? Addon?
TQ and effloresscence heals through rogue's duel too.
whats the UI addon they use for the darker look???
cancelaura form macro to double the slow removals from shapeshifting, yw.
Wow really?! Thank you! Playing resto druid is nightmare now, only worse is mw monk, really thanks for helping with our super weak class.
Perfect timing
Anyone miss the old intro music
What are those sArena settings? Soo clean
i need a clip from cenarion ward that shows it extends the hot. i hve tried multiple times with verdent infusion an it wont extend it. ive tried all you said
how did yall know i just got the Druid to 60 … Great video.
Need one, Disc Priest pls
I am so bored of my holy paladin. I want to level my Druid but holy fuck does the thought of having to do torghast fuck me up lmao. I am so sick of that shit.
I would love to see a video about how highrated rbg players target call, tried to search for it but i cant find an actual guide/video on it. And since rbgs are a big thing now again it would help alot of people out that wants to target call.
I can't get to Combatant with Restro 🙁
The maccro cancel aura pls 🙂
Nice vid, could u share your IU + PvP add-ons ?(:
Holy priest guide please. There is million guides on everything but holy priest.
What about some destruction warlock content? 🙂
i don't even play pvp but i just like these videos because they are very well put together and interesting
wish my druid also had 40k HP, so I can swap the renewal for wild charge. But when I get focused in 3s it's impossible to survive without that 30% panic self heal, even when running away
How do you Track enemys CD‘s on your sArena Frame? Can Someone Tell me?
Rdruid guide… go back to BFA when you were a 4th tier healer that had 5x better heals and dps.
Only problem with this video is all this information you can gather in game by just simply reading your character…doesn't teach you which classes you can abuse what you're scared of how important positioning is in general to all classes especially being a sneaky rdruid … And I'm pretty sure we left out going bear battle master and fleshcraft for huge shield and the pros and cons of doing it in arena .. honestly pretty basic stuff here not impressed
Only here to know how to kill druids lol 😂
What I hate about showlands is u can’t switch covantant u need to do a bunch of stupid ass quest to switch they should make it easier
Havent actually thought about tranq through smoke bombs. I guess things like that is what differs from me and a pro ;D Great video! Thanks!
The top rdruid I watch uses his swift mend to keep his cen ward always up on the kill target of the match,
swarm/cenarion ward/flourish is a really strong defensive cooldown which cannot be purged. 2 germination is not always the best.
what do you do or your setup, to shift forms quickly?
Germination leaks in rbg. Photosynthesis and wild growth leggo do 250k more healing on 10lowerilvls in eots than a germination running druid.
Gl vs rogue mage with soul. Instead of tree and innervate.
Thank you, this was a great video!
Really great guide, you guys covered all scenarios in detail. Fantastic work!
I play balance but would like to try resto but then I'm scared I will no longer be invited to RBGs.
Could you do something with balance Druid?
How is the resto druid in RBG?
Самый лучший гайд, который встречал!!!! Excellent!!! Sub
What staff is druid wearing?
just decided to pick up my first healer after being dps only for the last 15 years of wow. Hope i don't stink it up too bad. Moosewillis coming to an arena near you
Amazing video cheers guys
This is super basic
Awesome guide! Thanks 🙏 could you ingorm me what addons you were using?
Can anyone tell me how he has a number timer on his raid frame hots?
How do I get all my gots to show on raid frames ?
1 year later – still huge!