Sieh dir Anleitungen an, um dein Smash Ultimate-Spiel zu verbessern! Lernen Sie, wie die Profis zu reagieren …
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Sieh dir Anleitungen an, um dein Smash Ultimate-Spiel zu verbessern! Lernen Sie, wie die Profis zu reagieren …
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based goomba
Ah yes, new release.
What’s a good out of sheild option for mii gunner?so far I’ve been using up smash
Playing this game while tripping acid helped me get my reaction time on point me and my friend love tripping and playing smash
Then wifi adds like 6 more frames of buffer. MK B META
1. Know your options
2. Know your opponents options
3. Use precise movement to properly postion if you're out of position
4. Have an understanding of how your options cover the majority of your opponents options
5. Don't preemptively make a decision of what your opponent is going to do but rather watch what they do and respond accordingly.
6. Rinse and repeat 1000s of times throughout the match
7. Congratulations, you're now a pro player.
Just turn on Beastballs and play with it. Normal smash looks like slowmotion. I literally react parry cause I can see the startup of a move. Not bragging its a really good method
A slow internet connection helps xD you both move so slow you can predict what they’re going to do xD
100% the best explanation and vudeo you have had
Wow nice name it’s almost as long as the title
How to react faster: you don't.
Great video
Who's the female at 0:18?
Hi what are some good punishment options for bayonetta ive been maining her for 2 years but i still have issues punishing attacks
TLDR: Learn the matchup, learn your opponent
I'm so happy this video was released. I suck at techs and overall reacting, so I'm sure reviewing this a few times will help me out.
Oh and for us, people with dyspraxia, our average reaction time is not 12 frames, but around 16 frames
My Switches up input is not working so I guess I'll just study to pass the time.
Dang this video was really good with those examples. Probably my favorite proguides one yet.
Y’all gonna apologize to Will?
Okay Proguides, do you need someone to watch your videos before they're live so you don't fuck up like that?
They deleted that other video 😂. They weren't expecting that many DKWill fans
thoughts on dkwill???
Can someone ask the script writers to apologize to dkwill? That man puts so much work into dk.
Don't react, just read your opponent like a book.
My reaction time is already at the two frame level but I am planning on improving it to one second.
This is without sound.
SHIElD FLICKER? thats a parry omg guys
Is reaction time faster if my switch is plugged into the display port and not the hdmi?