Von Lethamyr

28 Gedanken zu „Reaching SSL with Squishy in ONE DAY in Hoops!“
  1. Why did the opponents keep playing against squishy? I don’t understand why they think they would win,,, they just lost like 70^ mar for no reason instead of just not queuing for a while.

  2. is it just me or is there a lot of random cuts in this video with no context? my conspiracy theory is squishies handlers would not let leth post a video that has any non perfect touches from squishy in it. basically nrg have a team dedicated to wiping the internet of any less than perfect plays from the trio, and in the directors cut of this video theres 3 15 second cuts where squishy misses a flip reset. if you watch at 3:19 seconds at 25% speed u can hear what sounds like someone saying "we are the muffin men" and im pretty sure they are the ones responsible

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