Von SpookLuke

22 Gedanken zu „Ranking EVERY Mechanic From HARDEST to EASIEST…ROCKET LEAGUE“
  1. The end "are you happy with this list?" – yes I am
    I am a new player (under 100hours I think) and this matches up with what I have seen and feel I lack. It is a great list and very helpful

  2. i think redirecting has a value at low/mid-level rocket league for clearing the ball. a well placed pass from the goal box to a teammate partway to the corner boost is super effective against players who are all pushed up too far (which is every diamond player), and results in incredibly free goals.

    it does unfortunately require more than one conscious player on your team though, which is rare. im not even conscious half my games

    edit: got to the part about passing. LOL sad but true

  3. Question: Isn't passing a bit mor important? I watched a video recently about how people forget that "mechanic" amd not train it at all. And today, I thought, why not. It's a good idea. Yes, it is hard, Yes, you have to count on others, Yes, others have to count on you, but isn't that ok? When I play ranked I do solos or 2v2 and those are always with a friend which we are also talking over Discord. So, we can communicate. Doesn't that eliminate the problem of "counting" on your random teammate, if you and your friends know that you pass the ball every know and then while screaming "PASSING/PASS"? 😂

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