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The hardest one is the one being trained every game, thats caster in melee group or male in casters group. Also aff. lock is super hard if you are playing against ppl who know how to lock you down since you have one school of spell, or if not, you will be in cc like if you are playing healer.
As a ret paladin player i have to disagree with retribution overview. Ret is easy when it comes to mastering pve rotation, but in pvp situations where ret is still N1 cake for almost every class that has ranged slow to kite. With amount of utility ret brings for his/her team, in beginners hands they become useless. so placing ret as an easy spec after Fury or even arms is kind of not what i expected from a pro team like skill capped. Many more class/specs are in wrong tiers also. All the new pvp gamers out there, trust me, your rating Wont skyrocket as ret if you dont know what to press and when or when to push in for a kill and when to kite, maximum you will get is hardstuck at 1800 rating. As a side note if you have never played paladin in general you should try it, very entertaining class with all its 3 specs.
Same goes for a destruction warlock, but with less utility spells, yes they do huge dmg, but in order to do so you need to be very good with kiting and fakecasting, else you will be overrun by melees, which as you all may know flood the solo shuffle. They will just pve you. Sharing my experience about the classes i know very well.
P.S want an easy free rating roll enhance asap while it literally 1 shots, even in a players hands who has never played a shaman.
Thank me later with likes :).
Outlaw should be medium. Survival should be hard.
What is the point of these videos? Easy hard. I don’t get it
Boomie easy ELE and AFF medium and Devoker Hard? WHAT A JOKE LOL. SKILLCAPPED already was better
I thought wings are 2 mins in 10.1
Good to hear DH is still considered easy although it has felt even harder than usual. I'm thinking maybe I should try fury for a chance. The easier, the better imo =) Although, to be honest, I seem to get equal results with all the classes I've tried. The hard part doesn't really seem to be your own class but rather what other people do.
No shot discipline priest is easy
Surv is way harder than Feral, like infinitely harder
Didn't thinking my main spec was hard (arcane mage) lol. I'm happy to maining this spec since i beggin wow (cataclysm)
This video is such a cool idea! I know I drug my feet at the very beginning, but I am glad I jumped in. For playing the most popular game in the world, and a game that never ends, it is great to know that there is a group that continually produces content and provides support that never ends and only gets better. Keep up the good work guys! Thank you for also helping find out how to actually apply Shadowflame Wreathe to my weapons! Blizzard REALLY needs to add a tooltip to the enchant describing that people can only apply it inside a Fyrakk Assualt at a Shadowflame Incantation Table (kudos to @Keator for supplying this information). Also, you guys helped me with cool things like the instant cast (nearly instant cast) Warlock Demonic Gateway teleport, Eye of Kilrog Demon Pet trick, etc. Great stuff. Now, in regards to this video, I am wondering if making a video with the skill ceiling tier list would be a good thing, and if adding a section for tanks would even be worth it, or a skill (floor/ceiling) to relative strength ratio, if there is such a thing? A PVP sim website would be extremely valuable since the current simming sites and programs that I am aware of don't seem to be well-tuned to simming for PVP.
Enhancement shaman is target #1 in arena i thinl he's 1 of the hardest class cause he s always under pressor and btw try to play elementalist build the number of key binds is insane and even some pro try to pick passif talents just to reduce number of spells
Ask a discipline priest main with other healer experience I completely disagree that it’s easy compared to other specs. It’s has many different buttons to be pressed and if you don’t use it properly you will not be able to heal enough to keep up with the damage coming in. Not to mention your not just a healer but also rely on doing as much damage as possible
Its not destro or demo is easier. They have give and takes. As demo you can summon pets behind pillars anyway.
If you dont have high enough apm or fast reflex forget about getting good in pvp or online gaming.
i think you missed unholy dk
Unholy dk, we already get nerfs for no reason and in addition you forget us….
Lost me at sub being hard LOL.
Affi instant doting everything doing unhealable damge. Very hard to play.
i just want buffs to frost dk
Shadow harder than Aff? topkek
Ret doesn't really use the 1 min talent on wings anymore as the crit nerfs before and after patch pulled out its teeth. I was getting stomped on as the 1 min wings didn't do enough damage to force cds on certain classes. However, after swapping to crusade I now get the desired effect though I have to wait an extra minute :). Just please stop saying Ret has the strongest cd on 1 minute…Maybe say strongest cd on 2 min instead.
I disagree with both warrior specs. Your defensive abilites are mediocre and if an enemy is able to root or slow you properly you are absolutely useless. classes like dk, hunter or enhancement can deal lots of range-dmg so this is not such a big problem.
It feels like pres evoker can fall asleep and still not die
When did skill cap become worth retarded?
Sub rogue at hardest LOL? Absolutely delusional
Can we get some actual players to do these videos again like smexxin
Gotta disagree with mm being easy
Outlaw might be the hardest right now since it's basically a worse sub rogue, heavily reliant on uptime, less defensives, don't have that good of a burst and season1 tier set was what made the outlaw shine i don't think we'll even see outlaws at the top of the ladder.
Dks is in garbanzo tier.
2:52 what addon is this (nameplates), and what Texture ?
i think unholy deserves to be in the hard category and i can provide a few reasons to justify it
you have 2 resources that you need to manage constantly and effectively (runes & runic power)
you have diseases that need to be up on every target at all times, and this affects both your resources
you have pets that need to be micromanaged and assisted for them to do effective damage, otherwise they get kited/rooted, or just attack the wrong person cuz theyre stupid
you essentially only have one defensive being icebound fortitude because blizzard decided that AMS is going to be cosmetic this season, and lichborne is almost never used as a true defensive and you have amz which generally is used for your teamates who just walk out of it and die anyways
and lastly the current iteration of the game heavily punishes you for just walking around acting like other melee, every lower rated dk friend ive had has quit playing dk because unless they are playing and positioning like a r1 in every game they just die instantly, frost and unholy are arguably consistently the most squishy of all plate wearing classes/specs except MAYBE sometimes ret though i honestly dont know how ret players die with a 1 minute wall and a bop and a bubble
also this isnt even mentioning that you have grip, blind, stun, silence, interrupt, petkick, and petstun, which all need to be used effectively, and often used on the healer or off target which requires you to pay attention to at least 2 enemies at all times and get super clean setups, similar to rogue or sp
Thank you, so annoying seeing 1600 solo shufflers say sub rog is easy bc they don’t know how the game works
this list is so incredibly awful hahahaha. this may be true if youre an 1800 player but its wildly inaccurate at higher level gameplays omg hahaha yal TROLLING
holy paladin (easy?) really? xD
Yeah sooo easy 🙄
LMAO ret at easy tier, but outlaw rogue , sp and destruction evoker at hard 💀 awful subhuman tier
putting clips of pikapala for ret showcase 💀💀💀💀💀 that ape somehow missed r1 last season most boosted washed ret player, also looks like roadhog irl, but with acne
Ret pal may be easy dmg wise but i think using utility well makes it way harder than something like frost dk
little bit baised tier list, Unholy is deffo HARD tier, also i would put Resto druid in Easy tier
Feels like In every video not a single soul talks about why they put unholy where it is. They just say it belongs there and moves on.
Fistweaver made me want to roll healer for the first time ever, it's honestly new and inventive playstyles like that which could bring new players to the roll (imo).
I’m expirienced pvp player I disagree that ret is easier than dk. You ranking shaman as harder becous of utlity you said he has easy rotation, ret has tons of utility to use(sanc, sac, freedom, bop, spellwarding, bop, offhealing) when as unholy all you have to do is turn out auto stun and make a macro. XD this video is bullshit never gonna pay for this.
yea resto is medium for sure: cmon rake from stealth for stun and jump healer for bash then cyclone, put HoTs on ur ally! omg! arms charged u just sit in bear form or jump wild from him! he will charge u 1 more time! god damn tranquality on 30 hp, overgrowth swiftmend nature switness ur self then nelf stealth rake stun and go enemy healer to stun cyclone. where and what is ur ally doing at this time? he feared insta by disc! AND U USE ANTI PURGE TALENT BUT SOMEHOW ALL PURGE U AND NOTHING! blizz is a bullshit! ur video also
Destru does Not have the best Instant dmg ingame . Fire mage, enhancer, ele doin more with instants
Destru Takes more skill than every other class
I hate when I decide to try a healer in PVP and then Blizz guts it to push a different spec. They gutted the defensive disc priest build and are forcing a dps based disc heal spec. I know that is what disc is supposed to be but it was nice to have a playstyle to get into a learn with. Id love a good spec to get back into pvp that is easy to learn and easy to learn the arena game and bgs with. Also would be nice to be able to do mythics with lol.
Wish the game has less keybind in PvP, I am running Arms and have over 30 keybinds, 20 of those have low CDs, so ye you need to have octopus hands 😀 I can not imagine harder classes lol
Is balance druid really easy? Because I thought it’s complicated
Aimed shot can’t be interrupted? I believe you mean silenced. Pretty sure knock backs, etc still interrupt.