Mein persönliches Lieblings-Mondkätzchen wird heute geschossen, aber wie wird es mit seinem begrenzten Movepool abschneiden? Die Läufe nutzen die Sanqui-Website …
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Mein persönliches Lieblings-Mondkätzchen wird heute geschossen, aber wie wird es mit seinem begrenzten Movepool abschneiden? Die Läufe nutzen die Sanqui-Website …
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My fav Eeveelution is Jolteon. Umbreon is pretty cool too.
Little Timmy hates Umbreon though
Bite is normal in gen 1 anyway, but why didnt the rom include faint attack?
Umberon is a canine not feline
How do you do this get Pokémon in red and blue that aren’t in red and blue?
sylveon is my fav but umbreon is dope! moon kitty lets go
Umbreon is best eeveelution! Happy to see a run for it, especially with that amazing sprite art!
Wanna see an Espeon Run now.
9:20 Yes, let's not forget to have fun. Otherwise, we might not get more of these fun runs to watch. Also, I love how the background of the overlay matches Umbreon's colors. That was pretty neat. I find it lucky that I keep getting caught off guard by "Tombstoner, brother!" every time, and find it hilarious every time. Thanks for another great video, mate. 😌
Umbreon is my second favorite eeveeloution but my favorite is thier gen 2 compatriot espeon so imo gen 2 did best for eevee
Why do the eeveelutions always have trash movesets?
I've been using all of the eveelutions in my fire red omega team. It's a pretty good challenge
6:13 Speaking of feeling the dark side, are you planning on doing an Egg Move run for our favorite fossil?
With a set like Dig/Bubble Beam/Aurora Beam/Harden, I really think the little trilobite could jump up there. x)
I used to say Vaporeon but I’m more of a Jolteon guy these days
I genuinely don't get why the starting and level up movesets can't be better/more reasonable for that tool. Doesnt even get Bite, a move regular Eeevee can learn in Gens 1 & 2
Such a waste sometimes, but still, better than nothing
I've been taking a break from the internet, but come back to find you doing an umbreon run and gengar coming up. Hell yeah brother
The reason it's everyone's favorite is simple:
A, Dark is immune to 3 different types.
B, is only weak to, I believe, Fighting and Bug, two of I think the least represented types.
And is a defensive TANK! Excellent for competitive.
Umbreon and Typhlosion are tie for my favourite Pokémon of all time.
Shoutout to those who knew Mr. Donut♀
Moon kitty,
Itty bitty city,
Sucking on them megaevolution,
Diggi titties,
Nipples cutting glass,
Cause winter things be getting pretty nippy.
Moon Kitty! Umbreon was always my favourite as well
Moon Kitty
Moon Kitty!!
Edit: My favorite eeveelution is Umbreon. Also, I am so happy I discovered your channel! Another great run!
I like umbreon and vaporeon
Moon Kitty
What missing eevolution are you most hoping for?
Love that moon kitty
My Favourite Eeveelution has always been Jolteon, even though Fire is my Favourite type…
flareon because its hard to use and sorry I ain't commented i so long mate but I've been really busy for the past 12 or so weeks
Moon kitty 😂😊
Donno how I missed this one.
One of my favorite gen 2 Pokémon ( looks & typing )
Even better is the shiney version