12 Gedanken zu „Pokemon HeartGold Action Replay-Codes“
  1. @darkraifanoliver Your code for All TMs & HMs made my cartridge spazz out. It's okay though, I found a cheat elsewhere for the same purpose and it's worked perfectly. I live in the United Kingdom so there're no timezone differences. I was in a vexatious predicament, truth be told, as my Jolteon's moveset was completely lacking in useful. Thus Iron Tail (23), Thunderbolt (24) and Shadow Ball (30) came in useful. More so as I'd already used 23 and 30 by the time I used my Thunderstone on Eevee.

  2. @darkraifanoliver Accept my sincere apologies for my initial post. I can come across as a cunt, mostly deliberate but not intended in this situation. Maybe the error was committed on my part, not the code. Either way, keep up with the good work on the codes.

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