Von Lethamyr

45 Gedanken zu „Playing Rocket League on an UNRELEASED Controller!“
  1. Controller honestly looks like crap. Looks like a cheap $30 knockoff. That's just from my first look of course, but it doesn't look good at all. If you're on Xbox, or PC like me, the PowerA FUSION Pro is a very nice controller

  2. I enjoyed the eSwap X until the software stopped working and not being able to update the firmware. The controller then started to act erratic. I had to switch to a new controller (Wolverine V2 Chroma) and I think I like it better. The eSwap S looks to be a little more comfortable than the X (unless my eyes deceive me), so maybe in the future I'll check that controller out again.

  3. I have the Pro X. I like it for the most part so far, but after about 6 months the right bumper is already starting to stick. nothing is in it, you can just hear the difference between the right and left bumper (right bumper is boost for me, so I use it a LOT) in how worn the button is getting. with how expensive the controller was, I'm really hoping it does not start actually failing. bought this one specifically because you could replace the sticks if they went bad like on my last controller, and the first thing failing is now the bumper that you cannot replace…

  4. Got mine yesterday! Replaced my Elite gen 1. (it had ALOT ov stickdrift)
    Let me just say. I have SOO MUCH time to do stuff now. The sticks are MINDBLOWINGLY responsive.
    Before it was hit or miss if i could do a halfflip or not. Sometimes i got the flip cancel and sometimes not..
    SUPER happy with the eSwap S PRO !! 🙂

  5. Aye I made the vid! I was ROCK_Sause and was Q'ed with ITman in ur games. Honestly we thought you were a fake leth in game still enjoyed playing with you none the less. Also love to see you noticed my knockout skills at 3:00 lol

  6. i just got my eswap pro s and i can’t lie i don’t think it’s good for rocket league like the buttons are just to clicky like i keep accidentally double jumping super fast when i go for a aerial or a flip

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