Mein Support-A-Creator-Code: LETHAMYR Wenden Sie den Code im Rocket League Store an, um mich zu unterstützen! (oben rechts im Laden) Spielen …
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Mein Support-A-Creator-Code: LETHAMYR Wenden Sie den Code im Rocket League Store an, um mich zu unterstützen! (oben rechts im Laden) Spielen …
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Who is surprised at how I handled this controller???
When Leth shouts "HELP!" You know shit just got real, hahahaha. Quite the rally that.
Hey leth
U could make ur name for road to ssl JSTNdelible (as in “just indelible”)
(Indelible means it doesn’t come of.)
Ur profile pic could be a pic of JSTN on a sharpie.
I actually play better than these gc or ssl
And im a plat
I main a gamecube controller because the face buttons are superior.
I'm only plat 3, but I'm gonna make it to at least champ with this bitch
I think next time you should have the lowest fov , lowest distance and highest height
the fact that he's better at me with an snes controller..
funny thing is that he could still beat me
leth your saying it wrong its supposed to be pronounced each letter s-n-e-s… at least thats how ive always said it lol.
In a 3b person poll, 67% of people said is was "s-n-e-s" rather than "snes" –
I've played with a Wilmote on my switch
Damn im old
11:23 🤨
i know its not that much of a crazy controller. But maybe one singular switch controller. It is insanely hard
Leth do be kinda cracked on the old snes controller
Leth, you have to play it on a Wii Remote Controller.
can we chat on discord lethamyr my name is Alulschat#2191 ok thank yo love your videos
leth: nowadays
11:24 close your eyes
Please add me
Rock Band Drum Set.
Leth: My aerials are so scuffed I'm just holding back and flying
Damn thats all I can do bro
"Feeding him some balls in a great position."
-Lethamyr, 2021
@basicallyhomeless lmao (if you get it, you get a cookie 🍪)
leth is better on a 30 year old controller than i am on a ps5 controller
Can you play with the Resident Evil PS2 controller
Play rocket league on the Wii controllers
I use to play HS for fun. But then ppl just started to demo and redirect so if that happens I just leave leave.
Let his better than me and he’s on an old controller
Is it bad that leth is better than most plats with a 90s controller
The heatseeker ball at the end went back and forth about 90 times counting it hitting the backboard.
Another video,” Hey guys, today I will be playing using a arcade controller!”
Nate and Nina huh
I might have to make it my goal to get good with a SNES controller.
The ping pong match was cool
stop reminding me of my age
I played on the original nes controller 2 years ago.
It wasn't really handy but it was fun to play with, also GTA v isn't playable at all.
I use my 3 nes controllers as media buttons like the next song, pause, mute, etc…