24 Gedanken zu „PC Players VS Console Players“
  1. I am pretty sure you can have 120fov on console in black ops cold war, atleast in the mp, but either way, people make aim assist seem like it is the most op thing even tho it still requires a lot of skill to play on controller. ive seen pc players play on controller and you can see how a pro can look like an average player but the opposite goes for controller to KB and mouse

  2. I mean I switched to KbM cuz it’s a lot easier to play then controller tbh, aim assist shouldn’t be an issue at all 😂 without aim assist the controller is all but impossible to play on unless u have God aim 😂 kbm u have more optimal binds, controller, u can only use the binds they give you. I’ll never complain about aim assist while on KbM 😂

  3. as a pre-console user, PC has the advantage 100 out of 0 times, almost everything is better on PC than Console. The biggest difference is FPS, god once I was PC and had 120+ fps compared to my shitty box that ran 30-60 I couldn't return to console.

  4. Did not expect this video when scrolling through shorts but it's nice to see Cold War again. Tho one thing that was wrong about this short was that Cold War had an FOV slider on all the platforms. And supported both KB&M and controller on all platforms so I just used a controller on my PC

  5. Bruh mouse and keyboard has precise aiming the argument of aim assist being op is literally impossible to try and prove because it just isn’t there also having a wider range of motion is much better than a circle

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