43 Gedanken zu „Path of Exile 3.8: BLIGHT DAY # 18 – 19 Highlights „BOOM!“, HEADHUNTERS FOR EVERYONE!“
  1. "Die Ärzte". its a german band.

    I personaly find the price popups quite annoying and interuptive in the video honestly. I might stand alone with this perspective but I think the clips of itemdrops belong here because they are… expensive or rare. Where is the point in showing a poe.trade of each of them? Just my personal opinion. Other might like it though

  2. I was playing last night and was in a map got disconnected. I tried to log back in but had to download a patch first. There was no warning about game update in chat what so ever, second time this has happened to me.

  3. Почему когда этот клоун в капюшоне попадает в gfl, мне стыдно. Вечно ноет, вечно что-то ему не так, при этом пафоса столько, как будто сын президента…пантов больше, чем мозгов.

  4. In cases like the Death from GucciPrada, i allways wish a Console like old COunter STrike, that shows you what exactly hit you end what kinda Damage and how much Damage it did to you. I could never tell what happened to him here

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