2 Gedanken zu „New Pinball Tables Are AWFUL“
  1. Yeah… you need to practice a bit and learn the rules before you play Classic Arcade 😉 . On, for instance, FunHouse you can soft plunge that will drop the ball over the right flipper. You can then shoot up into the left orbit or ramp, or the mirror awards sinkhole. Your best option though is to go for the skillshot above / behind Rudy's head. It gives you points, and it releases the ball slowly for you to time with the upper right flipper. If the ball gets ejected from the sinkhole, you can easily live catch it with no risk. If you are just going to flip indiscriminately, you are going to lose the balls in seconds. This game was made for the arcade to make them lots of money 😉

  2. ~looks at playstyle~ "NO! This isn't how you're supposed to play the game!"

    I've played all 3 games from Volume 6 in real life. I have my own pet peeves on Zen about Volume 6, but it's such a good set of games regardless. Pinball is not meant to be easy, and you really need to learn in order to set high scores. FunHouse and Dr. Dude are just as mean in real life, granted I got my butt kicked at Dr. Dude during last year's Pinburgh.

    "Then a good one" — Paranormal is so easy, you rarely even drain on it! This is exactly the reason why I stopped playing Zen's originals; they're set up too easy and don't present much of a challenge despite what the rules have to offer.

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