Von Riggs

19 Gedanken zu „NEW META WAR BASE | TIPS and TRICKS | Speed Build #2“
  1. People told me to write an essay so i’ll try if i can on this base. Don’t feel threatened by it as it is mostly pointed at Tom from EoV😘.

    Due to the fact that the ITs are quite spread in the base, it makes it easier for a killsquad to enter. A killsquad has to face one IT in most bases anyway. The 3 defenses at 12oc are good points for a golem to drop. A golem on either mortar can tank the AT so that a funnel can easily be created. If lalo cc, the queen can be suicided at 12oc, taking out the xbow as well since it’s walkable. 9 and 3oc may be difficult to funnel, however there’s 2 tile gaps between the ATs and elixir storages so this funnels troops naturally away from the moat areas. The tesla and AT at either 3/9oc are just too far away to prevent the funnel. The entry isn’t too difficult, because the WTs are being tanked by a golem and the small bombs do not prevent a test wallbreaker from doing a hit onto the wall. Small bombs 2 tiles away from the wall can, however, prevent wallbreakers from touching the wall. The SAMs at 2oc and 10oc may work against babydragons, however won’t be touched if lalo backend or if wizards are used for funnels at 3/9oc.

    This isn’t really an issue in this base, however 2/3 xbows are walkable. The one at 12 i pointed out and the one at 7oc as well – this has to do with a queen AI bug and it only works for 6-9 and 12-3 sides of a base, so the xbow at 5oc is unwalkable.

    If the killsquad takes out the 12oc quarter of the base, it leaves for easy lalo pathing. The bottom side of the base has straight pathing without any dead spaces that can split up loons (or hogs) hogs may not be as effective as lalo since there’s 4 working springtraps, however lalo can do work. Hogs will remain in a 9 by 9 area so will all get caught in a rage or haste spell. Also, the WTs at 6oc can be taken out easily as the ATs serve for direct pathing into the WTs. 2 hastes spells will be enough to deal with that small killzone. The air bombs will not be enough to deal damage to loons quickly.

    This is also a small thing i want to point out, which is about the builderhuts. The huts inside the base do not serve a purpose, and yes builderhuts do have a purpose. I’d place them in corners so that an attacker is forced to bring small cleanup troops to prevent the time fails. It doesn’t sound like much, however th10 attacks often require specific amounts of troops and if there’s no space left and the archers are needed, one must remove some of his killsquad or backend force in order to clear a base within the 3 minutes.

    Hope you learned something Tom😉

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