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Hoffe es gefällt euch Vergesst nicht zu liken und zu abonnieren! Tritt meinem Discord bei: Folge meinem Twitter – BeeZi.
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Nav mozzie looks great man
When about you think they will release?
Bruh they never make an iq one
Bruh i was thinking the tsm skin would be just black and white but they blew that out the water by adding red AND ITS ON ZOFIA bruh just have my wallet
omfg i missed the charms for August major and was fuckin sad about it, and that tsm skin made my day better :'D
So question. Since we haven’t seen a expected release date for the Tachanka rework, And depending on what we know from the program that they release in season 3s…. when will his release?
As soon as the dark zero ,eunited ,disrupt tempo and soniqs weapon skins and charms are leaked you gotta post it bro
I got a addiction to jäger outfits
where is darkzero,BDS,Oxygen, Xaviar,mibr,PENTA?
When does these skins come out
G2 and TSM pog
Does anyone know something about pro league’s like ace / iana / melusi/ oryx ?!
New season is live but when will skins come??
question: will the weapon skins also come separate?
Imma get jager ball and zofia
Do you have any idea of how much will those cost?
Navi mozzie is hot tho
What happened to white and black pro leagues
"팀 솔로미드"
I need these