Danke fürs zuschauen! Verwenden Sie den Code „SHAWK“, um 10 % Rabatt auf Ihr eigenes SkyPAD aus 100 % Glas zu erhalten!
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Danke fürs zuschauen! Verwenden Sie den Code „SHAWK“, um 10 % Rabatt auf Ihr eigenes SkyPAD aus 100 % Glas zu erhalten!
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Use code "SHAWK" to get 10% off your own 100% Glass SkyPAD! https://skypad-gaming.com/SHAWK?aff=ByhTiYJpt
Did you know you can play Older Versions of Rainbow Sic Siege? Like the older versions of the game but right now.
How do u turn points off 🤔
I don’t blame the guys thinking you are hacking lol
4:01 sus
There I subbed 😂just a question I barely play this game and never watch it on yt but I’m gold 2-plat 3 dependant if I play more but why do u have laser sights on ur guns doesn’t it show that ur peaking someone?
Chester so bad D:
what res u play
3:25 just fucking deafen dog, it ain't hard.
Nice hacks dude
the other chalet kid he killed on main door is a silver 2 just sad bruh. i used to love your vids until i did the research, pathetic
What’s your aspect ratio
Dunno whos accusing this of hacks lol for the most part it’s just simple angles e.g kafe red run out or you just running at them lol
Imagine ur so trash that u need hacks
Chester nooob
I mean your pretty cracked. The first clip where you ran through cite and blew everyone’s head off with no droning or anything would have had me sus if I was in the other team. Look your really good but man. If that was me I’d be asking questions for sure
I need to download these havks
2:55 oh hey thats me
Can someone please explain me the kixstar multiplier?
4:00 like clockwork
Oof! I had to sub after that first clip 🔥
Only 1 clip with m762
4:00 is epic asf without that tk.. just frickin "FBI OPEN UP" BOOM theres now a finka, osa, and ash in site