Danke fürs zuschauen! Verwenden Sie den Code „SHAWK“, um 10 % Rabatt auf Ihr eigenes SkyPAD aus 100 % Glas zu erhalten!
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Danke fürs zuschauen! Verwenden Sie den Code „SHAWK“, um 10 % Rabatt auf Ihr eigenes SkyPAD aus 100 % Glas zu erhalten!
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Use code "SHAWK" to get 10% off your own 100% Glass SkyPAD! https://skypad-gaming.com/SHAWK?aff=ByhTiYJpt
Old clips? Like hello??
8:00 "don't mock me :("
Blitz when he is 7 meters away “I got this”
Blitz when he is 37 meters away “ oh my GOD can someone do something about this”
0:53 went flying😂
Can somebody give me advice…I’m copper 3 with a 2.7 K/D and a .7 W/L… I clearly hold my end up. But don’t know what to do abt teammates
my fav humble r6 player <3
Doooont mock me at the end 🤣😂🤣
this is a reupload, get some new content dawg
Baby kixstar at it again 😂
What attachment skin is that is the begining
What that skin in the thumbnail
how can i close the scoring
"Can't lock onto my head if i have a shield"
Says the guy with the name India.
1:52 Did I hear dat right?
dude these single world names are getting out of control
1:52 yo what did he sayyyyyyyy
What is your weapon skin on Thorn
the fact that a couple of months ago I played you and got slammed Im satisfied
i swear that beginning clip is a reupload
Watch my mute, tell me your opinion;)
What is that skin for Thorn primary, can you get it anymore?
2:37 Are you really a crazy genius??!
Why does he have so many accounts? Do y’all seriously think this guy is legit. And yes I know who he is. I been watching for a long time.
Washington killed India. xD
feels like the legobuildermen playstlye has made a return
Shawk is the agro machine man