I been healing pvp only for 15 years and this season I'm hard stuck 1800 in 3s. I just can't que for solo or 3s. I rather raid or que for a 15 then pvp atm. Unfortunately I never done this dungeons. I would appreciate guides or just what to look for.
You may already know this, but in case you don't. We take chi burst in M+ not for the healing or damage but because it can reset your faeline. Chi wave does not. If you have a tank that likes to start moving mobs after you faeline stomp, a well aimed Chi burst is a good save to reset.
I really hate playing with zen pulse and half the time I forget to even use it. Do you have a talent build without it?
I been healing pvp only for 15 years and this season I'm hard stuck 1800 in 3s. I just can't que for solo or 3s. I rather raid or que for a 15 then pvp atm. Unfortunately I never done this dungeons. I would appreciate guides or just what to look for.
You may already know this, but in case you don't. We take chi burst in M+ not for the healing or damage but because it can reset your faeline. Chi wave does not. If you have a tank that likes to start moving mobs after you faeline stomp, a well aimed Chi burst is a good save to reset.
Does your weapon enchant proc from your offensive attacks as well, given that they also in-directly heal? eg from kicks