17 Gedanken zu „Mysticall | Beating Every Time with FISTWEAVING! – 10.0.5 Dragonflight Mistweaver Monk PvP“
  1. Gj man. I've been struggling bad in df. Making sl s1 look good lol. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. Been watching you for years seem to be doing what I should but there are times it seems no matter how much healing in doing never seems to be enough

  2. Another great vid! I don't know if on one of the latter matches you purposefully rop'd pillar to extend pillar. Great move.

    It got me to thinking on my fistweaver how faeline stomp redirects around objects and made me wonder if it would redirect around rop? Hmm. Going to try it out tonight. Might give more area to work in situationaly.

  3. Man, you are the sole reason why I play Mistweaver Monk! Your videos are so helpful and so useful keep up the awesome work for the Mistweaver Monk community man! Hopefully I can reach your skill level one day in the future!

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