Von Osirus

18 Gedanken zu „Mystery-Geschenke, NEUE Donphan-Formen und Tera-Raid-EVENTS in Pokemon Scarlet und Violet“
  1. I really hope that I can find people to do the Terra raid battles with cuz I don't have any friends that play pokemon anymore. I assume your discord will have a looking for group for these events?

  2. I’m so happy they finally showed the paradox forms of Donphan both of them look so sick I’m so happy Donphan is getting some love and hopefully both of them are amazing in competitive vgc because I always wanted to use Donphan in VGC.

  3. Well, there's still a chance that "Iron Treads" typing will save it from a functionality standpoint. If it IS a Fire/Steel type, that could be pretty good for it. Might not be able to fix its face, but it could be useful.

  4. I'm kind of unhappy that I am going to have to crash through the game at breakneck speed to do these events. I don't have a huge amount of time to enjoy the games as I don't have a lot of time to play generally.
    Either that or no Charizard

  5. Thanks Lee. More and more I seem to be gravitating toward Scarlet. Especially with this update. I must admit that I was overall disappointed with this final trailer. The information was great, but it wasn’t the information I was looking for. Luckily though, they have been some recent leaks that gave me the information I wanted. 10 days to go!

  6. I'm finding it amusing to hear that people that pre-ordered Violet are changing their minds for Scarlet. Maybe we'll warm up to Iron Treads later.

    But yes, I agree with you, Great Tusks is a much cooler design.

  7. Paradox pokemon finally confirmed !! Also, my decision to get Scarlett is looking mighty fine by the minute. The future donphan face looks a bit funny ngl. like an emoticon on a screen.

  8. I don’t know which version to get. I’m certainly not a hardcore Pokémon player-I haven’t beaten BD yet and that’s when I got my switch, I haven’t beaten Arceus either. But I might just go for both versions. I’m leaning towards violet, but I can’t figure it out. Maybe I will end up buying them both

  9. Say it with me folks:


    I put up with ice cream cones and keychains as pokemon, the abomination that is the Rotom Phone, at least they were designed to seem like they could be actual creatures, but these future pokemon have electronic EDM eyes and clearly robotic design… I don't like it. I never liked man-made object Pokemon and these Robot pokemon are drilling it home. Fuck.

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