Von SpookLuke

38 Gedanken zu „My 6 WORST Mistakes As A BEGINNER Rocket League Player…“
  1. Rings rings rings rings. How silly I am, never heard of them and when I did I disrespected them now I grind ice rings improving my time. If I started earlier I would've been higher ranked probs.

  2. Btw about speed flips – IMO they are only needed for kickoffs. They are needed in game as well but rarely when your out of rotation to your net. Speedflipping in general just makes you stuck

  3. #6 i can relate to. Been trying to play every day and trying to learn alot of things all at once. (Really been struggling with getting air roll left adjustments figured out) but i stopped playing for a week for personal reasons. Came back to the game and somehow first freeplay session i was able to do basic control in air roll and could circle the ball air rolling. Too much time all at once for sure makes you over think, and fries your brain. Taking a break is good sometimes.

  4. im up n down in diamond a lot, if i could do workshop maps, i could easily be at C2. im above diamond level but im struggling to rely on some my teammates to do some basic things, its a constant struggle keeping on top of things all by myself, ofcourse i make my own mistakes but i can recognise what i did wrong and working on fixing them and generally being more consistent

  5. I really improved after I decided to play casual only and go for every Ariel opportunity, even if I didn't think I'd get it. Playing competitively can limit the risks one takes and can stop someone from improving.

  6. Hey can u tell the viewers that your Gc roadmap is 18+cuz I wanted to do it but when I knew that I was a bit disappointed but I do really understand and your videos have got me to about diamond from bronze2 so…. You helped me already but can't get champ yea ok

  7. My mistake was, playing on console until a month ago when I finally managed to switch. If I had a decent pc I would have spent a lot more time in workshop maps rather than playing lots of games just for fun and not training, specific things and I wouldn't have spent hours trading(coz bakkes) 🙄 I've probably got a few thousand hours in game but feel like I'm only just really starting out now

  8. Bruh of course he says work shop maps I been trying to get these things for over a year and still can’t cause I’m on Epic I get close everytime and then just ends up not working cause epic you haft to go through files and that instead of just downloading like steam

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