Mein Support-A-Creator-Code: LETHAMYR Wenden Sie den Code im Rocket League Store an, um mich zu unterstützen! (oben rechts im Laden) Mein …
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Mein Support-A-Creator-Code: LETHAMYR Wenden Sie den Code im Rocket League Store an, um mich zu unterstützen! (oben rechts im Laden) Mein …
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Leth, any way you can make “teammate cam” in 2v2? So you can see where your shitter teammate is when you’re trying to pass?
The intro is so solid
When I got to about 14 minutes in, I thought okay, one more game…. two more games in a minute 😂 poor Rapid
YO leth!!!!!!! I can't get the rings maps to load, they keep failing no matter how many times I delete and re-download them!! Can you add me on discord so I can show you what the problem is! If so please reply to this comment
11:40 loses 3 . 1 😂😂😂😂 13:08
Soo sick
Video idea:
Play modded rumble in heat seaker
(if you don’t know what modded rumble is go to ganer’s channel)
How i can play maps?
You should play rocket league but you tape down the drift button
Does this remind anyone else of soccer X-7 from phineas and ferb
This Man Deserves a Million Subscribers
Her voice is like Joe from Family Guy lul
Play this drunk lol
17:44 rapids laugh sounds like someone scratching a metal pot on a stove
17:44 Rapid: WE HIT THOSE Me: The only thing he hits is high notes
Leth you should play this mode in a either doubles or threes
Lol rapid shouldn't be called a pro, he lost to you by miles at that air dribble race.
Your challenges need to start coming with medical. You straight up broke him xD
The epic map of this is horrible. Theap is amazibg and the concept. But its the ball physics and epic that ruin it
Rapid needs to never change, im glad hes not got a personality of lethamyr.
Definetly came for the title and wasnt dissapointed. rapid is so hyper.
Anybody else get a Mario vibe at 00:13
Pro 2v2 on this wud be insane.
16:26 rapids goes cookoo
I love how happy rapid is when hes losing, i wanna feel like this when im losing but im too competitive.
You should make a dodgeball map, here’s some ideas. Make both players avoid a heatseaker ball that locks on to the player closest to it, and whoever gets hit first loses. I love your content, and I think it would be hilarious with like 4 people trying to sabotage each other. Keep up the good work!
Bro that laugh tho 🤣🤣🤣
Yo leth I understand when a something works don’t fix it but watching you cheese that one move over and over again frustrated me mann
hhhhhhhhhh holly shit am laghing sooooo hadr
I don't think you made Rapid lose his mind on this video. I think you broke him long before this one. Lol
always laughing so hard wen rapid joins the game ;D
Let’s I think ur the pro
hes delirious lol
A man who sounds like a mountain turns to pebbles
Must be so frustrating playing a game you're a pro in and there is just nothing you can do to score 😂
Your car is just faster than mine lmao.
thats rapid the person u challenged to air dribbling