Von zoomsf

7 Gedanken zu „Lordaeron The Aftermath – Honorable Horde“
  1. Aran was salty after deliberately playing the whole game aggroing you.
    1) Camped with navy.
    2) Raided Arathi Highlands Horde base.
    3) Pushed hard into Quel'Thalas against Troll.
    4) (30 minutes into game) Lost joint allied army with Scourge pincer attack and Stratholme raid; you later stated that at this point he should have left.
    5) With Dalaran, hopped around sniping CPs from all sides (Aran claims it was Dalaran abusing Dwarf glitch).
    6) Rebuilds army, never fights until the Hero-Aim chase at end.

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