8 Gedanken zu „LEARN TO JUNGLE: New Season 13 Jungle Guide – League of Legends“
  1. Dont wanna be meany but this is the most generic video about jungle I have ever seen. Has nothing to do with the new season, you didnt even bother explaining the new jungle pet system and all the «tips» you gave where nothing specific. Next time try to explain more advanced things and also include gameplay footage to help the viewers further understand what you are saying. I bet this was prerecorded a few months back

  2. Match up knowledge is impossible. How many games should I play to know who can 1 v 1 and it's not like laning, even if you lane against your counter you can test your opponent and see if they know their champ is stronger or they have the skills to use that champion. Switching jungle is gonna be a mess fest.

  3. I don't think this video is bad overall but there should have been more inclusion about the new drag, item reworks, and jungle changes for kiting overall. That way people understand how this season is different as well. Other than that solid vid 🙂

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