Von Shawk

48 Gedanken zu „Kann ein Champion in Rainbow Six Siege 2 Coppers vs. 5 Bronzes tragen?“
  1. the thing is the champ could tell his copper teammates what to do while team bronze have no idea what they are doing, if this happens in a rank game, there won't be any valid communication at this rank, and the champ will lose the game with a 7.0 kd, same story happens in gold and below ranks everyday

  2. Most of the time when I play with my friends I always get placed low on rank not because they are bad or anything but we always mess around and have fun rather than taking it serious but when I play by myself with no distractions I tend to go up in rank

  3. You cant put a copper l vs bronze 4/5 its 1-4 rank games away from being same rank, i am copper 2 now and my friend is bronze 2 and i win when we 1v1, i was just not a full team playing ranked. Soo you should have more in between

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