36 Gedanken zu „Is WoW PvP Easy or Hard?“
  1. Too bad it’s about systems and not doing what you love now. Just canceled sub this moth. I got arena master in 2008. Time ratio from world grinding to pvp was like 5-1. Just let the PVPers pvp and the raiders raid. It’s so simple.

  2. Also boosting. Gear walls are now build so that you have to buy gold and pay a booster if you are average and want good gear. The ranked gear is a thought out money maker. I boosted for a bit and most players are paying for 1400-1600. They just want some gear to make the game manageable. Sad.

  3. Wow is easy mode its tab targeting.

    PVP is all about knowing skills and talents! Plus the meta. It really is that simple.

    And it's the main reason why most new PVP players don't stick around long enough to learn them all.

    Reason why so many carries are noticeable. Every casual has left, and the people getting carried are 1800 with gold but couldn't be fucked getting one shot with no teammates with gear.

  4. I'll answer: it's not even remotely hard. Do you know why? Because it is 0% about skill. It's all about the carries, boosts, and ilevel. In WoW, if you have an ilevel advantage, you win. Especially with this broken burst meta, all you have to do is roll a bursty class with a bursty covenant ability, raise your ilevel higher than the other guys, run in, press 1 button, and win. It's not possible for WoW PvP to be hard, because there is NO PvP; it's just PVE players mashing buttons. There is zero skill required. CC doesn't matter anymore. Carefully watching cool downs and preparing defensives doesn't matter anymore. You either survive the burst, or you don't – and that's determined by your gear. PvP in wow needs a MASSIVE redesign, and WoW itself needs to find better rewards than ilevel. Gear should be 100% equal in pvp situations, and the outcome of the match should be determined by skill. But no. Business models and arrogance, as usual.

  5. there is no compatibility in skill with luck ergo RNG. None of the examples provided have any luck tied to it. Dmg modifiers on top of a x2 crit is the prime win condition in arena; it outshines any play or plays you can do. Whaazz doesnt take less dmg for being whaazz if you hit him for 45k @80% HP he is still going to die even if you are a million times worse of a player than him (and this has been proven time and time again in his streams, same can be said of any WoW pro that still plays). Then if you even live it forces defensive CDs you otherwise would not have been forced to use.

    Remember AWC pros dying with defensives up? that was actually because there was no reason for them to even pop them; their healers were not in CC, they also had big instant heals and their own defensives up pro players know this, hell even just glad players. But then you just die out of air from full HP and there was not the slightest window for reaction or anything you could've possibly done to counter your opponents' luck. And there is literally 100 billion more combinations in chess than something as unilaterally obvious as WoW; you actually cant memorize them at all chess pros' skill cap is how many moves they can think forward using the least chronometer time because there's so many you can't know out of memory alone that comparison is cringetopia worth tbh. Sorry to say but you're drowning in copium WoW skill-cap is a meme by modern esport standards like mechanical skill doesnt even exist; you can't miss your skills so any 0 cr baboon can burst if they write their swifty macro right.

  6. I think a better way to put it is how the Fighting game community faces the same problem. It requires a ton of knowledge and alot of experience to get to a place where you can actually start playing the game. Below that point is a ton of cheese and insta gib strats that will absolutely smoke you if you're lacking in the knowledge department on how to deal with it. Fighting games are the same way, if you run into someone who has really good setups and mixups and you can't stop them from getting in you're going to probably get steamrolled into the floor. But if you just anti air all their jumps and check their deceptively unsafe links you're probably gonna win.

    WoW actually also has the added problem of gear. In games like Injustice 2 nobody plays with gear on because it adds stupid advantages nobody wants to deal with. People could probably actually learn the game if they didnt immediately get erased cause their gear isnt up to par. It's one of the only competitive activities across all of gaming where people actually accept the unfair advantage of gear in a competitive environment.

  7. The conclusion is misleading, especially comparing WoW to chess. In chess both opponents begin on equal footing with equal potential opportunities. With WoW it depends on your comp, and some comps just have more options than others. CC is undeniably powerful in small-scale pvp like arena, and immunity defensives like iceblock or divine shield can be determining factors. Then, there's mobility, which only a few classes possess to the extreme while others lag behind.

    To conclude that skillful play is "slow and steady" is a generic statement that doesn't consider that some classes are not well-equipped for such an approach. Outlier classes with unique abilities that do not have common counters add an "x-factor" that needs to be considered, and in all of the other games you compared WoW to, none of them allow for such large discrepancies amongst the players. WoW was not designed for small-scale PvP it was designed for BG style pvp. It is unfortunate that we continue pretending that comps like RMP are skillful when they primarily skate by due to having high CC, high defensive/immunities, and high burst AND sustained damage.

    There is definitely a skill factor involved but it has nothing to do with defensive play or aggressive play – it primarily how well the team coordinates its actions, and whether they are on the same page in terms of how to react to the actions of the opponents. Cheesing wins with "hit-n-run" style play can work, but it doesn't mean you are "skilled". In a boxing match, one guy can choose to keep jogging around the ring avoiding engaging the opponent, only occasionally stepping in for a few shots. Perhaps it wins, but it's hardly testing your skill. Just like shooting someone who challenged you to a fist fight… you "won" the fight but you never tested your hand-to-hand combat skills.

  8. shadowlands has the worst pvp i have ever seen out of any blizzard expansion and its going to get even worse in 9.2 with all that borrowed power 2 legendaries,broken covenant abilities,bad class balance and now tier sets.

    im going to sit out the crap show that 9.2 will be until pre patch.

  9. I used to love wow's pvp in Legion but since BFA i dont have the time or will to grind for gear.
    I tried gearing in the beginning of SL but after being crushed during an entire day farming for honor gear i gave up, not a single game i felt usefull for the team, i didnt even felt that i was dealing damage. Not to mention i dont think i killed anyone.
    I mean, can it really be called pvp when theres a difference in HP/damage between players? I dont think so…
    I dont wanna make part of a shitty system like this.
    Hope next expansion they focus on skill based pvp.

  10. I absolutely adore defensive-reactive-strategic play. Which is a big part of why I hate lfg. Everyone wants to play fast and aggro and wind up getting themselves killed. As a mage I have so many strong defensive tools paired with a strong burst window, but it doesn't matter if I can't keep my partner alive. Very frustrating.

  11. It's totally fine to enjoy what you enjoy but let's not kid ourselves here… There is good reason why the arena community is so small. Most people aren't going to jump through all the hoops required to be competitive in 3v3 arena… simple as that. Too many hoops…; addons, macros, finding a new team every time you lose… the experience for a new player is terrible… So we still have the same 25-30 people competing at blizzcon every year for the past 15 years lol!

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