Mein Support-A-Creator-Code: LETHAMYR Wenden Sie den Code im Rocket League Store an, um mich zu unterstützen! (oben rechts im Geschäft) Karte …
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Mein Support-A-Creator-Code: LETHAMYR Wenden Sie den Code im Rocket League Store an, um mich zu unterstützen! (oben rechts im Geschäft) Karte …
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What do you guys think of this one?? Enjoy the vid 😀
6:58: My 2020 so far
can you tell me why zurx couldn't make a shot when he was on leths team but when he changed teams he finally made a shot
You should of done rumble
Lol was anybody else hardcore rooting for zurx and rapid?
I came here for bonethugs and harmony…. disappointed😔
I wanna see a full prp 4v4 game on this map
Zurx thought you guys were playing mafia again
zurx… he's a grandplat, don't judge.
Leth- You bumped me into myself. Me- smart smart man
700th comment woo?
Rapid is goatee in this game mode
This video literally had me in tears the whole time XD
Your voice is hella sus
this, but in boomer mode?
Leth what u should have done was have the same team goals on opposite sides and each player spawns on a different section, so when u spawn u are facing ur team mate and ur goal, that might make it a little better
How can you tell who Rapid is and who Guh is? They're the same person, just ones better.
Everytime Zurx is in a video Dudeaaaa
3:15 reminds me of spongebob taking out the trash “in the dark”
8:53 the laugh of a super villain…
You can tell how tilted Leth is with Zurx in this a lot
I'm in a chair I have no hair im drinking some beer im in my car and I'm turning the geer when u see someone dis on the road they're going to leer you into their evil Lear ik I'm the best looking guy in the world but no need to star
love the vids <3
Where is the flag
Poor frank getting roasted no matter what
Imagine this, but heatseeker
The moment you realize Leth has zero ping🥵🥶🥵🥶. 5:57
I love the stepbrothers reference that no one got
explain me this. Last season (2) i finished on bronze 2 and now in season 3 i played like 20 games in 1v1 vs all star bot and when i got into the placements in 1s i got gold 3…result: bots make u better in rocket leauge.
You should do a animated comedy sketch like cars except it’s you and the boys. That would be hilarious🤟🏻😂
Leth is sooo annoying, if he didn't make maps, nobody would watch him.
reminds me of rl sideswipe
This is my favorite video of yours ever. I come back here every now and then for a laugh
i wish theyd randomly pick maps like this and add it to the quick play, playlist, or rocketlabs or w/e like change it daily… theyres so many different fan made maps that would be dope to play with randoms.
im going to lie
hey leth do you use the spacestation gaming octane decAl because i want to be as good as you and i really like the decal you use for octane and can i friend you on RL
do heatsicka