DM Me „GC“ On Discord: Hier sind die 10 Einstellungen, die Sie verwenden müssen, um …
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DM Me „GC“ On Discord: Hier sind die 10 Einstellungen, die Sie verwenden müssen, um …
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Can you make a video about rizzo controls? It’s a interesting one
Holy shit, this is a monumentally game-changing video. Much abliged SpookLuke!
Luke I DARE u to double flip reset on every car rec the vid HAHAH
keep up the tips they help alot
PS5 and xbox sx play at 120hz with a compatible screen or tv of course
Bro Boosted me to ssl
Hey Luke, I just wanted to ask you if you could help me. I have been grinding air dribbles everyday, I'm not trying to make it completely consistent, but somewhat consistent, and I am not seeing results, I need help
I actually have one of my directional air rolls (right) in the same bind as power slide (R1)… this ofc causes my car to spin right if I try to land power sliding, but if I also hold air roll left (L1) at the same time as air roll right, I can land power sliding without my car spinning since both air rolls cancel each other out
What about KBM
Ive done all this settings since the beggining i feel like a genious hahaha the only one I dont agree is dynamic shadows I like them because they give you extra information sometimes, and recently im trying with controller vibration on so I can get a physical sense from the game. Excuse me for my english
Is it possible to reach SSL on PS4?
what music did you use in the intro???
It's fire
I implement all of the other tips in my gameplay except for having boost on the back of my controller. This is because Dont have paddles on my controller and cant put my movement on the left stick I hae tried it for a month and could not get used to it. What should I do???
I am gold can you help me
Where’s full screen setting on Xbox?
Me playing 40fps in plat with not stabilized ping ;-;
I thought “spook” was a racial slur? :-/
Turned on my Nexto setting and went from GC to SSL in a matter of hours!
Thanks, Spook!
These aren’t tips there awful
The game with max graphics looks so good. Other than the horrible motion blur and bloom effects, I will always keep the rest.
changing my boost button is going to be so insanely difficult, especially re-learning timing on double jumps. I don't know what it would make easier, especially since it's on a trigger instead of a button so takes a tiny bit longer to engage / makes it a little harder to pulse boost in the air. I'd like to know specifically what having boost on circle makes more difficult, because I can easily double-finger x and triangle while boosting..
Hi Luke. I have big problem. I have 115h on rl and I can play only without ball cam. Can you give me some tips how to fix that?
How can I get into your cotching Programm
psyonix should add secondary binds
I'm super close to plat Can i join
They should have no blow ups, no air rolls, and one jump only. Takes all the hackers away
Can’t wait to get home to apply some changes. Thanks in advance
if its pay then no if free then gc
Luke can you coach me im a noob
Spook my ranked diamond teammates either leave or they suck…. How am I supposed to rank up if I’m having to 2v1?
This was the refresh I needed in my gameplay thank you spookluke also joined ur discord can’t wait to team up with peeps in my rank
I have directional left and power slide bound to L1, he said not to do it and didn't explain why, I have zero issues with that setting. I would like to know why he said not to do it.
I copied AppJacks settings and i turned out fine, it was also when i just started on controller so i had some good settings to begin with
Link never sent? It not working