mehr COD mit dem Snek Catch the Monday Night Stream: Tritt der Discord-Community bei!
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mehr COD mit dem Snek Catch the Monday Night Stream: Tritt der Discord-Community bei!
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Now this is gangster.
Yo what's up leon. Loving the lush games content along w the main channel content. Keep up the great work, on your way to being the next dellor 😂😂
watching this live was such an adrenaline rush
Comeback of the Year
Comeback is real. The Snake carried the game, good game Leon though.
This made me laugh so much thanks leon
Leon creating absolute carnage while also missing most of his shots gives me anxiety
has he seen the live event of Black Ops Cold War? or the briefing cutscene
“The comback” lmfaoooo
Atta boys!! Keep it up 🙂
4:01 “The Comback”
This is so motivational
It shows me anyone can do anything
Thank you
Solid comeback man! I know it’s rough with shit like that, but you pulled through and got a really spectacular win!
Also, just out of curiosity, are you a Halo fan? I heard ‘team slayer’ and felt compelled to ask. Been a big fan of yours for a while!
Leon calling TDM Team slayer made my day 😂
Heavy carry but I love this video, Leon you’re improving
Loved the video bro say what’s up to Mrs.lush and josh the snake, keep up the great work brother.
love the shot at those damn Yankees! great clutch comeback, guys!
8 hours later still 0 dislikes baby
I don’t know how warzone works – all I know is that I’m bad at it
1:24 – Leon, being a gentleman, fires 3 warning shots
How he not getting more views on his gaming channel?
i remember these endorphins and that adrenaline. i miss having a console
Leon loves playing team slayer
Me too Leon… me too….
you both should try apex legends
Damn Josh with the carry. Fuck yeah Slithery
Been loving the gaming content! Anytime you upload on any of yours channels is a good day
Yo wtf i didn't know leon owned a gaming channel.hope he doesn't burn himself out pumping out all this nice ass content.
Patriotic Skins r just drippin on US Servers lel Everyone got one seems like. You should play some Warzone buddy
whos the one rotten tomato who keeps disliking his videos
….. shame Leon is a family man, and also trash but be nice.
Josh snaked a victory on that one
Need to look into adjusting your mouse DPI and sensitivity settings in game to dial something in that you like. Go into empty servers with a friend and or if a game has a training range to get it to your liking. 800DPI for me with a in game sensitivity (each game varies) and I do really well.
comeback village
Team slayer, now that is dating yourself
leon live?