50 Gedanken zu „In-Depth 10.0 Dragonflight Mistweaver Monk PvP Guide“
  1. my request is to do more arena commentaries im a big fan of those. im playing MW for the first time this expansion and it looks like you're the guy for that 🙂 great guide tho

  2. Not sure how relevant this is, but I thought it could have some potential. The Vivacious Vivification works off a 10 second tick, not 10 seconds from when you use it. This means if you count down from when you get the buff, about 9 seconds, you can instant cast vivify twice because the buff hits the 10 second tick right after you spend it. Maybe I'm thinking this is bigger than it is, but I think with a simple timer to keep track of the tick, you could line up nice little burst heals with this, while not having to channel soothing mist and risk getting kicked.

  3. thanks a lot for this great guide ! One question about the rotation: isnt it more healing from vivfy to first enveloping mist and then vivify vivify or is the healing from the stacked enveloping so much better them the 30% increased healing for vivify ?

  4. Hi, one question, why/how does Essence Font improve our mastery? (See Instant Healing) – I try to understand it, but I do not find any talent / buff which says so – I guess I simply overlook something obvious – anyway – thanks a lot for the guide helped out a lot 🙂 started monk on the same day the guide was released 🙂

  5. I never see that purple spell come out for my gust of mist, does an add on do that for you or have I somehow not been activating my gust of mist the whole time I’ve been playing Mistweaver?

  6. Tips and tricks, you can also healing elixir while interrupted. Ive battelmaster trinket into double elixir and they are confused how i healed so much after an interrupt.

  7. The biggest struggle I have right now is dying in openers. I realize I'm not that good and low MMR strats are a bunch of cheese, but when a Rogue+MM hunter practically one shots me in the opener, it gets disheartening. How do you reliably survive double DPS openers?

  8. I've literally never had less fun than playing mistweaver. Talk about an absolute failure of a class. The amount of damage you take is way too high. Solo shuffle also feels like an absolute nightmare.

  9. I capped at 2.5k rating in shadowlands and I've actually learned a couple of things in this video!
    Especially the replacing the port during escape from reality, I've never seen a monk do that.

    Some extra little tips for new MW's:
    – Diffuse is vs WW monks you can diffuse the Karma dot back to them.
    – Always be ready for the enemy team to swap to you right after you use Coccon on one of your teamates, have an extit plan ready.
    – You can sometimes RoP someone against a wall try it it's amazing
    – On Z axys maps, consider Thunderous focus tea and knock people down.
    – Personally, when the match starts I always use thunder focus tea + renewing mist for the longer hot.
    The timming on this videos though… incomming changes soon that will chance a few things around (bye bye bonedust), but I digress… good video, keep it up!

  10. Hello Mysticall. I wondered about a "targeting" part. Cause what i do is just clicking on the frames. But do u use a bind, to target party1 and party2, and yourself? If yes, is there a way, to make your frames in a chronological order, from party 1-2? Btw thanks a lot for the nice guide!

  11. I'm really struggling with mistweaver in pvp, i got to 1800 in BFA with them but this expansion i just feel like everyone goes for me every single game and i just get absolutely trained and die so fast

  12. what about set? I have set head with haste/mastery and legs vers/mastery in my vault, don't wanna choose head cuz already have crafted with vers/masterty. wanna choose bis stats legs, but idk. set bonus looks well too…

  13. Hey man, Im getting blown up in the opener. What can I do? Usually its a warrior leaping to me right as I place transcendence so I can't port. I have to bubble straight away if I'm not stunned and killed. Any advice?

  14. I've discovered MW too late. 😮
    Always played Resto/Ele Shaman and with a Priest alt. Was leveling a Monk some weeks ago to play walking dead with a friend, but 60-70 I got tired of WW in Bg's and switched to MW. Got damn this spec is fun. Ring of piece is incredible and the constant movementspeed and jumping around is just cool. I love this spec!

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