Mein Support-A-Creator-Code: LETHAMYR Wenden Sie den Code im Rocket League Store an, um mich zu unterstützen! (oben rechts im Laden) Spielen …
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Mein Support-A-Creator-Code: LETHAMYR Wenden Sie den Code im Rocket League Store an, um mich zu unterstützen! (oben rechts im Laden) Spielen …
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When the ball is fast it’s so unenjoyable to watch. No volleys or plays literally just serves then points and mistakes
Me thinking of a new fun game mode to make
My Brain: Rocket league but its soccer ⚽️
i play volleyball and the thing that annoys me is the team that scores serves
how can i get this map
Wait is in the volleyball when a team scores they start the game why the team who scored on starts the game (no hate just ask)
Do this with heatseeker
Cool, just make who wins the point have the serve…just like in real volleyball.
really danny lol
This should legit be an actual LTM every summer
It's Danny lotus not Danny lost
Could there be like an actual serve position? Imagine just spike serving on the opponents
Alternate title: Me and my editor play Hoops but it's Dropshot
the last 1v3 was like when you say "too many cooks spoil the broth" so for this too many players spoil the team/game…🤣😅😆
is it just me r does it sound like there is a timer or alarm going off in the backround
me at 3am vibing while listning to leths intro song!@#$%^&OI&^%$#
bro you need to take like a week or 2 week break form uploading man
So do you need a PC to play these maps?
Zurk getting tilted on the 1v3 is goated 😂😂
how can i play tihs mode?
Bruh Mr Phil made me laugh so much for some reason
leth has zero ping
is it possible somehow to play this on epic?
Who’s here when sideswipe is adding volleyball?
rl sideswipe be like: I have volleyball
He predicted sideswipe new game mode
They added it to sideswipe!
Hey, I’m here to tell you volleyball now exists. But only on mobile
How did he predict sideswipe!?!?!
And now it's in Sideswipe!!
Sideswipe has Vollyball
Why dont they add a football ⚽️ mode? iv played the game since day 1.
Bigger pitch.
No roof or walls.
Throw ins and corners if the ball goes out.
What is the name of that map??🤔
4:00 “how’s it going”
“Not much” 😆
Well they did sort of they have it on rocket league side swipe
“I I I I I I I I I I I I”
Imagine if the wall above the net would demo if all 4 wheels touched…
"I want to 1v3 you"
Oh god no
666k VIEWS 0——0
you are growing faster than mrbeast it took him a lot more time to get at your level than you
Okay they actually should add this. This is the best game mode that Leth has shown that I can actually see in the game. It’s already better than hoops and hockey imo
Wish granted with S8 🙂
Heatseeker plus volleyball
1:52 love edit Danny lmaoo 🤣
"how's it goin"
"not much"