Mein Support-A-Creator-Code: LETHAMYR Wenden Sie den Code im Rocket League Store an, um mich zu unterstützen! (oben rechts im Laden) Wie …
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Mein Support-A-Creator-Code: LETHAMYR Wenden Sie den Code im Rocket League Store an, um mich zu unterstützen! (oben rechts im Laden) Wie …
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Obviously I won't quit, but I'm done with Rocket League ignoring all of this beautiful content that should be available in the game some way. I WILL be starting a petition soon, so stay tuned and HELP by signing!
I bet it’s a beautiful map. To bad I can only load videos in 144p right now XD
hi im a big fan
If you quit please transfer your skills 🙂
599th comment
600th comment
Think you might have to quit rl. Twas just a joke I saw his comment
It would be nice to have some new hoops and dropshot maps, and this one looks sick!
Everyone: yey supersonic legend
Me: plat 3. 🙁
The map is very nice and clean but it's still not quite up to the quality standards of official Psyonix maps. I fully agree that we need more extra mode maps and hey I'll take this map over nothing at all. I would maybe say Psyonix should just add some detailing and get it up to their standards then it could be a nice addition.
My main is hoops and also, PSSYONIX I NEED THIS
Title : "I'm QUITTING"
Pinned comment : "Obviously I won't quit"
While they're at it they should throw in new Dropshot maps these extra mode playlists don't get enough love
Play a game where there is one goal and like 8 people and then if you score you move on and last one to score every round gets eliminated until two people are left, then in the finale you have to score three goals
I understand it’s a beautiful map I want it too.
It will take some time for them to put it in ok?
Are we just going to ignore let’s had 0 ping?
"who's the paid actor here?"
Clean fucking map
How about another hoops map in the style of backstreet urban
These vids are basically just them taking about their life issues
Why would you QUIT Rocket League, after you've been playing for 5 YEARS for a MAP that you're only going to play occasionally. Why?
All I'm going to say is Boomer Dunk
I want more arenas for DropShot as well – same layout but just something else to look at that's different from the one we have now
Leths stoner laugh @13:22 had me laughing.
My man saying he wanna quit for a gamemode he doesn't even play😴😂
This is sick leth
Leth says “that’s weird” so suspiciously
This is some high level click bait right here
No one:
No one at all in the world:
Not even the aliens in Area 51:
Leth: if rocket doesn’t add this, I’m quitting
peace leth it was nice having u in the community
Love your intro still leth ❤️
I think they need to make a hoops map the same size as the standard map
I'm confused, I thought you couldn't do mods on rocket league with epic
@ 2:32 pretty sure that is a common feature in security. Called an Anti Leth Device
Zurx: “Call me LeBron James baby”
Me: “Call me LeBronze James baby”
"Danny's peaking!"
uh oh….
Is it just me or was this video stuttering every now and then
lethamyr got gas from the future when freestyling with fire
ever seen this vid five times rocket league listened to the users…
that would be the only five times