Von Umu

9 Gedanken zu „Ich habe mein Zuhause verloren, als ich in Magic the Gathering Cards investiert habe | Oder habe ich?“
  1. Like your channel and angle a lot! Regarding this negativity business in “the hobby” (lol sorry its hilarious to me lmao) anyways, just like any aspect of the world today, when people hear facts or opinions about anything they don’t agree with, or are doing themselves and trying to hide it, it’s negativity?!!! Since when is an opinion regarding codes on boxes, lost cards at PSA, trimming, shill bidding, misleading newbies with bad info (SCI/GW), PPP loan fraud (again GW), holding blades to breakers necks (Platinum Breaks and there’s video proof)…how is pushing back against shadiness and possible illegal activity considered negative? Aren’t those actions the negative part? Isn’t what guys like you, AIH, SCR and myself are doing here by highlighting it to those in the dark? I would call that positivity wouldn’t you, my friend? 🤷‍♂️🤣👏

  2. Dude, as much as I love your channel & content, YOU MUST fix the volums at the beginning of each video! i'm going to have to un-subscribe if the loudness continues! Please, ADJUST the microphone/speaker! Thanks!!!

  3. WOTC kinda removed the ability to make money from mtg, it really amazes me people keep buying it becouse they have too much money in it and refuse to take the loss. MTG is back into the chronicles – ice age – 4th edition – fallen empires state. Even today after almost 30 years its worth 0! sure there are higher prices but nobody is buying it anyway except people who think it is rare.

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