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Danke fürs zuschauen! Verwenden Sie den Code „SHAWK“, um 30 % Rabatt auf Ihre nächste GFuel-Bestellung zu erhalten! Verwenden Sie den Code „SHAWK“, um …
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Love your vids
Let’s goo shawk
Your the best but u can't beat me in 1v1 if so my xbox is Bassfishin18
Hi shawk
How do you guys like these new videos? If you want to record with me and your favorite players consider joining Six Shot Academy! Link below 🙂
Link: https://sixshotacademy.com/
I thought xim got banned
Shawk is one of the most consistent r6 creators out there ❤
the way i whipped it out so fast
Is bro playing casual or something
I love your videos!
damn those frame drops are distracting
What res you got to have tjat stretch you got
the DBD skill check out of nowhere had me dying 23:49
Not ur siege mate everyone's siege is broken typical ubi can't even optimize a one single game, Most game franchise owned company though!
Fire 🔥
2:43 looks a bit sussy with the flick there
they needa make the villa walls horizontal like they did on consulate
Those kanals guys on the first game had hella passion
Pretty sure on Villa with your Smoke shotty you just didn't have laser sight for some reason, hence the lack of destruction
Hey bro I’m a big fan keep up the great content❤
That second floor peek on canal is actually easy to counter if they linger and try it a few times. Cook a nade (or dont) for half a second or so then lob it as soon as you're within throwing distance from sailboats and it will explode right on the doorway. If you get a little closer you can probably get it through the door while still being on the ground.
Shawk: “i refuse to peak” * proceeds to peak*
Kanal guys are the same as the Chalet ones O_O
I forgot what map it was but I made a rotate and I was stuck and I couldn’t go through it it just kept bringing me back
Hi man just wondering why u use laser so much?
"If i didnt kill myself, I wouldve hit the intro clip of a lifetime"
24:55 bro this had me dying lmao
25:04 s tier position💀