Von Lethamyr

48 Gedanken zu „I went UNDERCOVER in SSL, and it made Rocket League EASY“
  1. Wondering what's with the double input of the jump button I've been dealing with that as well… I just randomly double jump when trying to boom the ball and end up missing and ending myself to the other side of the feild instead of the ball.

  2. The only game I've ever been good enough (kinda) to play against the same people day to day was overwatch. I'm not that good at the game but as a diamond player in 2020/2021 the game was dead enough that we consistently ran into a couple of the same people and its such a bizarre experience when my whole life online games were such that you play with someone and never see them again. In diamond on RL I do play with the same people on occasion but only if we both insta-queue right after a match we played together. not otherwise.

  3. Leth I love these vids but I feel like like they may know who you are based off your car by now 😭😂😂 all love leth, you helped me reach GC by teaching and i just watching you

  4. I like leth but what is this "I went undercover" plays with his regular decal, goal explosion etc… Tbh if people know how you play and especially how you look it doesn't matter what name you have on your acc idk just my opinion

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