Von Zeno

39 Gedanken zu „I SURVIVED 100 matches of competitive TF2“
  1. My mates and me got placed at rank 10 after the placement matches were finally implemented. Unfortunately we couldn't find a quick comp game afterwards so we kinda moved back to tf2center :')

    Fun to see how comp still has a playerbase after all these years, might check it out again now that tf2center has shut down. Good vid!

  2. I think at some point in this video I just started manically laughing because I just felt so drained by watching this video that I could not literally take it anymore, I'm not kidding. not to say the video was bad or anything

  3. I always remember the Meet Your Match update and how it fucked up community servers and what a shitshow it was in general. But I always forget the fact that the game actually has an official competitive mode.

  4. this is crazy, i just got recommended this video and had to do a double take when i saw the username lmfao. i was active af in your streams and videos way back like 7 years ago. holy shit time moves so quick LOL, rly glad to have u back 🙂

  5. holy shit i recognized some of the cheaters ( i am from europe ). i am a regular comp player in eu, where comp has a much bigger community ( probably 70-80 players that play multiple times a week ) and you are telling me these "people" actually cheat all day long on na servers, and then when they cant find a game on the na servers, they get put into eu servers…
    this video is kinda different from what we experience in europe. in eu we have a bigger community, as i said before, and whenever there are cheaters in games, they either get dodged by strategiest that some duo queuers developed in order to counter them ( one of the guys quits the game before they enter the match, and the other guy tells him if he recognizes any bots, and then if they do, they just wait 2-3 min until the game ends, and they dont get a cooldown, or they just rejoin the game), or when those people arent around, most of the lobby just plays together in order to make the team that has bots on their side lose. a lot of the times 20-30 people would queue at the same time, and those would be players that played hundreds of comp games, so the games would go back and forth a lot, which ends up being extremely fun, and this would often be on the weekends. on these days you would get a game as soon as the previous one ends, and i mean literally because everyone just requeues, and you get the game in 5-10 seconds. from my experience valve comp is really fun, but not so much competitive, because the mmr system is really bad because there arent many players, so most people would lose way more than they win, and for whatever reason after not playing for a while, you would lose 50 times the amount of mmr you would win or lose otherwise, but that doesn't really matter that much because people from the lowest to the highest rank in the game play together all the time…

  6. I've played a lot of koth and specifically viaduct in 6's (one of the reasons it's a choice on MGE servers), real competitive tf2, and it was a blast. To see it like this makes me so sad, but I'm happy that someone is out there trying… thanks for this vid!

  7. lol I actually ran into the pink max head sniper cheater you did, still not banned after all these months. Also his profile shows nothing but hentai dating sims, should give you an idea of the kinds of people who hack in TF2.

  8. i love how the match number screen perfectly depicts his mental state throughout the challenge, as things are chaotic from match 15-79, yet he seems to still be in an alright yet tainted mental state, but after 80, shit just goes downhill real fast. numbers mean NOTHING anymore, and it's just rapidly deteriorating sanity, until 92, when he finally sees the light at the end of the tunnel, slowly but surely growing as each passing match crawls closer to the promised land of number 100. Once he reaches the promised land, all of his memories of the past 99 matches come flooding in, reminding him of all the turmoil and sheer difficulty he powered through to get to the end. The end wasn't very satisfying though, and neither was the journey. so it was pointless. but even pointless things have meaning. for example, this pointless thing is giving you MAD VIEWS right now, keep it up man!

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