Von Lethamyr

38 Gedanken zu „I haven't played Rocket League in over 2 WEEKS, am I trash…?“
  1. Just so people are aware, I was not sick at the party, nor would I go near anyone if I thought I was at the time. It was an exhausting 2 weeks and I thought the fatigue after the party started with just from being tired. Wanted to clear that up in case anyone is confused!

  2. i’m so happy to see there are people who understand what the orange writing and triangle mean 😂
    a few days ago I was lagging hard, wrote in chat to apologies and someone said "bro your ping is only 38 stop lying"….. Tell that to the packet loss and me sliding around the joint 😭

  3. wait what im confused was there an event in dallas? Lol im not aware of any rocket league stuff that goes on in esports by the sound of your voice the only possiblle thing i can imagine making your voice like that would be cheering or talking to much

  4. I swear every time I come back after a long break, I play pretty bad mechanically but somehow win games due to having good tm8s. I wonder if this is just luck, or I'm doing something different thats actually good in rotations.

  5. Listen, okay, This Idea came to me watching another creators video (appjack)… So you know the tutorial of Rocket league? you know how it slows down and tells you what button to press?

    Imagine a Turn based/Choose your own adventure Rocket league Map

    3.2.1 GO A pop up bubble pops up "Kickoff, right corner boost, left corner boost, Cheat"… You Choose kickoff, a sub menu pops up "on your right, on your left, stuff, speed kickoff" After the choice the choice plays out and fast forward the next decision on the play. The balls is rolling towards you, with an opponent creeping up behind the ball.

    Pop up Beat/5050/Fake… you choose fake, and so your vehicle turns, letting opponent hit the ball to your tm8 waiting behind… OR you chose fake at a time your tm8s are all up field. so you just faked as third man and the opponent double touches off the backboard into the goal.

    Playing the Tutorial gives a feel of what this looks like, just instead of a Linear choice like the tutorial, it's 3 or 4 choices with possible submenus…

    I don't know anyone else to share this with, so yea.

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