Von Lethamyr

48 Gedanken zu „I got Rocket League MOBILE early, here's what I think“
  1. The most scuffed video on the channel, but I'm really enjoying it 😅 Played some 2s with Danny and it's a blast! Sideswipe Sundays? lol if I figure out how to get a smooth recording I could see that being fun

  2. A bit of knowledge I'd like to share:
    Doubletap the joystick to air roll. This makes flips a little slower, and aerial turns faster.
    You can roll the ball up your own wall to initiate an air dribble.
    Shadow from below the goal.
    Lastly, in case you missed it, you can gain boost from hitting a flip reset on the ball or a wall.

  3. Man I love you let’s but why do you have to ruin the entire premise of a MOBILE game by putting everyone on the controller, now it’s gonna be near impossible to reach the very high ranks without using a controller for your cell phone.

  4. Imho if they ever end up changing anything about RL's physics, it'd be the flips actually going 3d instead of flat. It'd take weeks or perhaps even months to get used to for the advanced mechanics, but it'd open up a lot of opportunities as well. Actually being able to dodge up and down instead of just front back left right.

  5. I don't play pc or console games but after I saw this, I kinda want to play rocket league. I just don't like playing with keyboard, but I like controller but we don't have a console 😂. But if you say I can play this game on a bus or car for a trip with my friend, holy then I'm sold

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