22 Gedanken zu „i am disappointed over lacklustre skins of three kingdom lunar year [Hearthstone]“
  1. It's a shame, many decisions they have made with skins lately I don't like them. For example, it is full of Jaina skins for Mage, and none of them is the Jaina from WC3, not to mention that the BattlePass skins are not of very good quality, the drawings are also poorly positioned (Young Jaina is on the left , and a baby water elemental has more prominence. Jaina Archmage is a bit far away, and the Jaina of Kul Tiras is totally remote, full-bodied, with a lot of unused space around her and you can barely make out her face.)

    Skins are one of the things that I like the most, but it bothers me that there are so many character skins already in the game, there being a huge world to explore in WoW where there are a lot of iconic and powerful characters very loved by the Players who would represent that class excellently, Blizzard throws us more skins of the same heroes we already have. Wouldn't a Malygos mado skin be great? or Kaelthas? Or a Saufurang or King Varian warrior?

    Instead we have again more skins of the same characters.

  2. 25$ Dollars for 4 skins that don't affect game play. Not to mention they really aren't that special. Why would you want to pay 25$ for 4 skins? At most this is all worth 5$. Blizzard gotta be greedy as always. #StopBlizzardGreed. They really have turned this game into a how to absorb the most money out of our players without giving them anything and putting in a lot of work.

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