Von SpookLuke

30 Gedanken zu „How You SHOULD Challenge In 1v1“
  1. But if they put a powerful high shot on your net your already driving backwards so if you don’t get a good touch it’ll either make the ball roll in your net slowly or it’ll just make it a pass for them

  2. Well currently as a unknown console ssl 1s main, originally steam player.. this what he said is soo important, one of the tips that are actually needed.. exactly what he said, either boost starve or let him come to your side of the field and then in his mind he will run out of options if you just shadow it, its all about the aftermath when you get the counter attack.. this will ofc be easier when youre mechanically good enough to focus on what you wanna actually do in game..

    Ill make this clear as possible..
    If you wanna get better do this.
    – Stop focusing on freestyle
    – use air roll only for rotating the car (not for every areial)
    – watch videos and replays (analyze what youre doing wrong)
    – understand the unspoken/obious rules or this game
    – think what you wanna do more
    – dont focus how cool your stuff looks (it will turn smoother with time automatically)
    – realistic training packs (muscle memory)
    -freeplay freeplay freeplay

    Hope it helps!

  3. How to get better, dont want the guy that almost everybody in the rl community thats low elo watches to hopefully get better, because theres a million ways to get better and your competition wont change if you just do the same things as them. 🙂

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