20 Gedanken zu „How to Improve Your Wall Play! | Learn to Play Rocket League“
  1. You have some nice thorough tutorials, certainly the ones on the Mawkzy flick and speedflip. Knowing you're pretty knowledgeable about this game, how come your peak rank is not higher than champion 1? I mean no offense by this comment I am just curious, keep up the good videos!

  2. Appreciate the vid man. I had the bad habit to always wanting touse air roll right after the set up and it wasted boost and time a lot.
    Tried to replicate ur set up with just boosting to the ball and rolling right before contact made the difference I needed. Thank you!

  3. I love how in-depth your videos go, like in the powershot video, feels like a subconciously inserted mini intro to physics lesson. It isn't so much of a tutorial, but a lesson. Every other channel just says "match the speed, jump and follow the ball like and sub plz". I could have sworn I subbed forever ago, but i guess I didn't. And thank you for the flip reset video. Im still not good enough at them to do them in game, but man are they fun to play with in custom matches with friends when I only have a few minutes to hop on.

  4. Why not use the overlay to show where to hit the ball. or even just 'take control mode'. That is sweet when you need to take a piss or something. You can set it up to play a certain rank style and do certain moves

  5. Your training content is the best i've seen since Sunless khan's "Why you suck at Rocket League". This is hands down the BEST wall to dribble vid I have seen. Super clear. That visual cue tip is SOooooooo good. Can't wait to put this into action! thank you!

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