37 Gedanken zu „How To Grow A Gaming Channel Tik Tok“
  1. I’m really struggling to get likes on my tiktok, I’ve been uploading rainbow six siege clips but I have been posting clips of other games that get slightly more views and likes, but I’d to have more active viewers

  2. Would u recommend posting fewer tik gold but putting more effort into them or try posting more tik toks with less effort? I have this account on tik tok that I was hoping to grow my twitch with. I love the new hyper scape battle royale game and I’d say I’m pretty good at it. But anyways my first 7 posts got over 500 views and 1 got 1100+ views. My latest 3 posts I put a lot more time and effort in syncing audio with the clip and using text boxes along with many hashtags in the description. This confused me and makes me wonder if tik tok promotes ur first few posts or something🤔

  3. Uploaded a trailer of my gaming podcast to tiktok after watching this. I am really bad at promoting myself on social media and much less even worse at promoting my creative side so hopefully by following these tips I can gain some traction to my podcast

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