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Want to IMPROVE FAST and get the RANK you've always wanted then check out:
Warlords of Dreanor was purely my favorite pvp. I was able to take my favorite class a prot warrior and make him into a gladiator since level 100, prot warriors had a talent that made them into a dps class with tanking abilities also. I would spend days 2v2 and bgs and wrecking people since i loved it
5:14 why is this trinket so recommended?
Try getting that honor gear as horde on EU, nice 1+ hour ques just to lose.
badges of justice… not badge of justices
I dont have 1 fav expac, but mop, wod and legion was all great
Wod was the best for pvp, could just gear then go world pvp for rest of the time was so much fun! I wish they brought back wod gearing in retail!
Step 1: be a streamer when s2 gear was avaliable to buy
Step 2: not get gear stripped and obliterate everyone
good luck getting honor gear as horde
Dont forget the 30 to 1 hour que times for battlegrounds lol………
1+ hr queues for bgs as horde sucks 🙁
Easy. Get level 70, go to Coilfang Reservoir and murder anyone from the other faction that is level 62-64 trying to come to summon their friends. At least that's what they are doing on my server. Lol
No offence but surely you want the pvp trink first since it's a 2 min cooldown instead of 5 minutes and has resi on it huge for pvp
be alliance
Terrible explanation, all you basically said was "BuY HoNor GeArS" (really? we needed a video to tell us that?) which are NOT BIS PVP like you said in your title some like 2 set is good that is all while some early dungeon blues are better as well as crafted epics for Warr/Pally and what not, take rogue for example.. according to you 5 piece set is BIS? what about Blinkstrike boe epic? or Masters treads boots? for the extra level of stealth as well as a mention for the JC trinket for another level of stealth, come on man do your research properly dont half ass it or people wont view your videos 1/10 for the layout and the added graphics in the video, but all in all bad information please do better next time
After waiting on a queue for 50 minutes and getting 300 honor for winning it I quickly realized the honor gear is basically unobtainable before season 2. So fk it.
When is reputation gear released? can someone tell me?
Don't make the mistake of leveling to 70. Stay 69 till you have full set. Queue times are 6-20min on every battlegroup.
Ninja loot
where is the pvp gear you could get from being honored with each faction? like the stalker set for hunter?
How to?
Quit your Job and Start grinding….
1h q Time Will make Ur day
my advice to ppl are to leave this stupid game its sooooo broken… honor for horde is non exsistent
Pretty sure its 50 AV for Chest.
Step 1. Roll Alliance
I’m was gonna say Warlords of Draenor
this grind is the worst experience youll ever have
why do i feel like i should first buy my accesories while i buy the main set with arena points? in time
thanks for confirming that I should quit the game