32 Gedanken zu „How to EXPLOIT and COUNTER ONE SHOT COMBOS in Shadowlands!“
  1. Are you saying that you can counter the rogue one shot? Are you saying that this combo will not win a free AWC? It cant be my fault, its balance problem for sure. I have 30k hp and get one shot every time. Its so fast I cant even use Battle Master. No way it can get countered, theres a reason why 3v3s and 2v2s brackets top 100 are 90% rogues now………….

  2. Balance druid, definitely. Especially when paired with another caster or a rogue giving them so many options to cc and convoke.
    Casters are generaly harder to deal with for me as a warrior.
    Cleaves comps such as ret/dk or monk/dk can be scary too
    Oh yeah and bm hunters !

  3. In arena the crazy ret pal burst FR, TV, DT and how its still bursty with trash gear under 190 ilvl, on 30% armor and 32% versatilty.(still multiple 10k hits in a row) when i saw that in details i was kinda surprised.

    In BGs, Moonkins – especially if its a 40vs40 man with machines, like 1k winter. You have a lot of stuff goin on, have to deal with tanks and players you are in combat with them and out of nowhere 30m away and from behind appears a moonkin with BIS gear and uses convoke when you got no def cds anymore as they are used up against all those other opponents. And of course you got no fixed healers to babysit you, or pillars to hide.

    Convoke is like the old greater pyroblast design of fmages in BfA, it might be scarry in arenas, but its totally broken in battlegrounds, at least greater pyro could never 1 shot on its own, but was spamable to offset that disadvantage.

    affliction lock PoV.

  4. ROGUES <- overall. Whatever lied about unblayable and stuff, they are everyrating class, 2 specs are good already.
    In 3s only, WARRIOR. intervene owns, damuj owns, double reflect owns, hard to avoid Condemn Death Sentences, controlling hp bar % in a new way.

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